Tate 34 Lincoln 24 Final

OMG! I don't remember Lincoln ever losing in the first round. Wish I were in town to see the Tate vs. Niceville match up. It should be epic!
Tate was very impressive. Great play calling kept Lincoln's defense on its heels last night. The Aggie band turned the stadium into home field advantage. BTW Lincoln lost in the first round to Ridgeview 3 or 4 years ago but that was it in many years.
I don't think it was just the tate band that made it a home field advantage. I watched the Tate live feed and that stadium was EMPTY!!! I wash shocked! Why is there hardly any support for the Trojans? This is one of the better programs in the state and their stadium is empty for a home playoff game. I just don't get it...
Originally posted by Choctaw_fan:
OMG! I don't remember Lincoln ever losing in the first round. Wish I were in town to see the Tate vs. Niceville match up. It should be epic!
I was at the first Niceville-Tate game, and although Tate is real good this year, I don't see them doing much better than the first time.
I agree, Gambello. Niceville's loss at Bolles got them charged for the playoffs. They will go far, especially with Lincoln out of the way.
One of the downsides about playing at Cox stadium this time of year is the fair. The stadium and the fairgrounds share the same parking lot. It is pretty impossible to find parking when the fair comes into town. That is 1 reason for low attendance for all the schools this time of year.
In 2005 when Niceville lost to Gainesville at home in the regular season and forced them to beat Buccholz to go into a shootout, Coach John Hicks said that it was the best thing that could have happened to the team. It gave them a taste of what they did not want and sent them to the Final Four against Lakeland. I would be willing to bet that the same thing has happened to Niceville this year after losing to Bolles. I think they are ready!
The question is "Why in hell's inferno did Niceville lose to Bolles", why?

Is 4A north better than 7A north?
Originally posted by Cat_Scratch:
The question is "Why in hell's inferno did Niceville lose to Bolles", why?

Is 4A north better than 7A north?
Bolles is not a 4A team. They are a 9A team.

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