Manatee versus Riverview - 2nd Round of the playoffs


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2003
Had thought about coming down for this one, but circumstances will keep in Georgia this week. I went to the regular season game and sat on the Riverview side. One thing that was mentioned to me by multiple Riverview folks during the game, was the lack of Manatee fans across the field. Their general comment to me was "This game is for the District Championship, Manatee's at home and that's it?" I posted a week earlier at the Palm Harbor game the only Manatee folks in the stands for that game were parents of cheerleaders or Parents of members of the Manatee marching band, with very few exceptions.

I read John Sprague's comments this morning in an article posted by the Sarasota Herald Tribune, and it reminded me how big this game used to be when its was played from a community perspective! Its a shame because fans in the stands, do mean something for the team out on the field. What Manatee really needs, is a healing of bad feelings or Karma from things that date back to when Joe was pushed out of his job. How great would that be if Joe was regularly in the stands for Manatee games, it would send a message to everyone that its not about him but the school, the players out there on the field, and Manatee pride! Maybe he is and I'm just not aware of it because I usually always sit on the visitor side of the field? But there a definite cloud still hanging over the Manatee Program, and I sincerely believe Joe could do alot more to help the program get past it!
Go Canes Go!
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I Coach Kinnan can do a lot to help it but I think it's the new coach's job to fill the stands at this point. I don't think Manatee will every get back to the way it was with Coach Kinnan but they can do better than what they are doing.

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