One more thing Nu'Trelle can't understan

Neutral 0bserver

Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2002
You watch baseball on TV this summer and in some places they have these cardboard fans sitting around. Rarely does they social distance.

Nobody move. They just sit. Nobody get up to use the baffroom. Nobody drinkin a beer. No vendors movin around. No kids fartin around. Everybody just sitting still like they sorry they there in the first place.

Then somebody get a hit and some fans start cheerin. Then somebody hit one out and the place go nuts.

How the hell do they do that? Is they equip with batteries? How they get them to chant? In unison?

Make no sense. Must be workin though. Same people keep showin up every game sittin in the same damn spots. Not one person wearin a mask. Yet nobody comin down wiff the virus.

Anyone heard anything new (or old) from Choctaw_fan? She overdue for another rant.
I hear you on the whole card board fan thing, but if I were the guy working the crowd sounds wouldn't be great to put together some cheers like this that could be played at just the right moment?

Or if the ump makes a bad call, you could play something like this just to give it that almost like the real deal feel?