Where are we headed? What's going to become of us?

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Neutral 0bserver

Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2002
I am not Anti Trump or Anti American. I call a spade a spade... The President has done some good and some bad like they all have... This however was one of his deplorably bad moments... Whether you like those ladies or not you should as an American take offense to what was said to them.
When he watched live as the President castigated these 4 women and told them to "go back to the Country they came from", Nu'Trelle smashed the palm of one hand into the center of his forehead and said out loud, "What in the hell is he talking about? 3 of the 4 were born here!"

Same deal when Trump talked about John McCain, a political rival who was a true American military hero. A man who served his Nation and was shot down and taken as a P.O.W.

Whenever I'd hear him demean McCain, I'd use the same palm to smack the same part of my forehead even harder and scream at the top of my lungs, "HOW CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING AS STUPID AS 'I LIKE GUYS WHO DIDN'T GET SHOT DOWN'? WHAT BRANCH DID YOU SERVE IN, PARTNER???"

As a veteran - even though I know Trump is pro-military - nothing he has said since taking office has been more offensive to me than his remarks about McCain. So yeah, I'm feelin ya peezy. Feelin ya bigtime. Let's move on.

Nu'Trelle is a conservative who grew up in the rust belt living among the working poor. He voted Republican in 2016 mainly because Trump made the following promise, "Put me in office and assure you I will put America and Americans first."

Essentially, I believe he has stayed that course. Trump is without question the most pro-American president in Nu'Trelle's lifetime, edging out even Dwight Eisenhower, a good man and military hero who lacked the benefit of Trump's experience in the private sector.

As an individual who pulled himself up by his own boot straps, Nu'Trelle and was one of millions and millions and millions of American success stories. Was he white? Yes. Did he go to school with scores of blacks who worked to make a better life for themselves and succeeded? Absolutely.

As someone who owned a business the majority of his life, Nu'Trelle had to rely primarily on one essential job skill: Making deals. And thank God he was got to be pretty good at it because you don't make a profit by completing a job. Only a very naive person would think that.

You may collect your money when you complete the job, but the profit is made (or not made) when you sit down across the table from someone and strike the deal.

Does that mean Nu'Trelle is a "Capitalist"? Yes. Are there American citizens who would think his success - even though modest by most measurements - was shameful? Absolutely. Look no further than the 20 people who appeared on stage in the first two Democratic debates. Look no further than the 4 women of color that Trump wrongfully castigated.

A solid college education was Nu'Trelle springboard and several of his professors were inspirational, but no one learns to make deals sitting in a classroom. And very few political officeholders are good at it either. Even those with degrees in Economics.

Nu'Trelle has spent a lifetime watching politicians try to leverage deals. Making deals with the average politician would have been like taking candy from a baby. Like watching a professional pitcher throwing 95 mph fastballs past guys who were cut from their HS baseball team.

Is Trump the best deal maker who ever lived? Nope. Not by a long shot. Most of the world's most powerful deal makers are sitting on top of oil reserves. Which politician do want sitting at the table talking to them? Kamala Harris? Bernie Sanders? Nancy Pelosi? Beto O'Rourke?

Laughable isn't it?

Who do you want to send to the next G8 conference? Let's see. How about the dealmaking dynamo known as "Elizabeth Warren". No? Not confident about her skill set? How about a if we make it a two for one package deal and throw in freshman Senator A.O. Cortez, the woman's who telling us that immigrants have been forced to drink turds out of toilet bowls?


A CLOSING THOUGHT FOR PEEZY: If Trump would have kept his cool when he responded to the 4 women of color, he would have thrown both arms in the air, put that bewildered look on his face that he has perfected over the years and say, "I don't know what to say folks. Except these 4 women who are trying to tear me apart are apparently so incredibly stupid that they think you have to get down on your hands and knees, stick your whole head down into the bowl and try to drink around the turds. To each his own I guess.

I don't know (pause and make solid eye contact all around the room), but I'd be willing to bet this, if we sent 100 hard-working Republicans up to one of these units, I believe with every essence of being, that all 100 would walk up, remain standing and simply push the button that said "Water". What do you think? Am I right?

And furthermore (pausing to let supporters laugh and cheer him on) I'd be willing to double down that, if any of these same 100 Republicans people saw a Democrat fall to their knees and try to stick their head in the bowl, they'd be kind enough to stop them and flush the damned thing for them first.

Nu'Trelle yields the balance of his time.
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Neutral Observer let's not forgot that in 2008, many supporters of Barack Obama made many derogatory statements and comments about John McCain. I once saw an Obama supporter who was mocking McCain's limp. I also remember an Obama political ad mocking John McCain for owning and renting out several houses, like that is a crime or something. If you were to talk to most Republicans in Arizona, the biggest complaint was the McCain didn't listen to or care enough about their concerns, especially with regards to illegal immigration. In fact, McCain had many challengers in GOP primaries through the years, but with Democrats and Independents being able to vote, McCain was re-elected. That is why I don't support open primaries in Florida. Registered Republican voters should determine who should be the GOP nominee, not anyone else. I do agree with you about many of these Democrats running for President in 2020. Talk about a horror movie!
<< Neutral Observer let's not forgot that in 2008, many supporters of Barack Obama ... >>

Sorry, but remarks that may have been made by others about the late John McCain will have no bearing of my opinion that Donald Trump's statement, "I like people who didn't get captured" was a very ill-thought and regrettable comment.

BTW as much as it hurts to admit this to other readers, Nu'Trelle has done agreed with peezy again.
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<< Neutral Observer let's not forgot that in 2008, many supporters of Barack Obama ... >>

Sorry, but remarks that may have been made by others about the late John McCain will have no bearing of my opinion that Donald Trump's statement, "I like people who didn't get captured" was a very ill-thought and regrettable comment.

BTW as much as it hurts to admit this to other readers, Nu'Trelle has done agreed with peezy again.

I will painfully agree with you twice on this post as well lol.

As anyones mom or dad on here has probably said to them... 2 wrongs do not make a right....

Stand higher than those before you and be your own shining example.
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I will painfully agree with you twice on this post as well lol.
You agreein wiff me ain't gonna hurt you none. Me agreein wiff you is gonna cause people to brand me as another habitual line stepper. An I can't afford to have my reputation tarnish. Nomsayin?
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You agreein wiff me ain't gonna hurt you none. Me agreein wiff you is gonna cause people to brand me as another habitual line stepper. An I can't afford to have my reputation tarnish. Nomsayin?

Alright... you f***** got me rollin on that one lol
Where are we going? I think an old Yankee catcher put it best:

“If you don't know where you are going,
you'll end up someplace else.”
― Yogi Berra

It came to SK (I remind you a Registered Independent) like an epiphany this afternoon as he was driving through a dark black Florida downpour.

It's gone beyond democrat-republican
it's gone beyond liberal-conservative
It's gone beyond city, country

Trump once said if he ever ran for President it would be as a Republican because they were the "dumbest group of voters." Of course in fairness, at the time, the world hadn't yet seen anything like the hypocrisy-infused, believe anything, glass ceiling brigade of walking dead that Hillary Clinton inspired in the democratic party.

Trump was an outsider, raised with privilege in a capitalistic society. His lack of establishment sensibilities scared even the Republicans.

In reality without a viable 3rd Party, he was just borrowing the Republican party. Because as is often the case , Democratic policy comes off a little nutty. But Trump scared Republicans really bad when he won.

What that did is reveal many of the nasty little secrets the good ole' democrat and republican establishment parties didn't want to see the light of day.

And yes Martha, there is a Deep State, you're a fool if you think otherwise. Or, you just don't pay attention to history because there has been, since FBI's (Cross-dressing) Director, J. Edgar Hoover and President John F. Kennedy's days. The Deep State arrived as soon as President Harry Truman got rid of the OSS after WWII and established the CIA. President Dwight D. Eisenhower even warned us about it when he left office.

Trump also drove the left crazy because he's just like them: Says anything he wants, whenever he wants, will claim facts that suit him and doesn't feel he has to back it up.

The left got too used to their "setting the narrative, labeling and dismissing" playbook that's worked so well since the 1960s. You know, making any American who might disagree fear they'd be labeled: racists, intolerant, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, and Islamophobic (usually in combinations).

The democrats thought they owned that. Yeah, they lost the election but it was going along so well with their 'scandal of the day' the Russian probe, throwing everything and anything against the wall to see what would stick. CNN saying the President would fall any-day. Then it slowly began to dawn on them that Trump was a little smarter than they gave him credit, and was playing them with his antics and responding as outlandishly as the accusation, like a cat slapping around a canary.

Combine that with him doing more in two years than most presidents even came close to accomplishing in eight, and its crazy time. The repeal of NAFTA, finally taking on China, embassy in Jerusalem, North Korea, Syria, the economy, women, minories at all time employment levels Whaaaaat?

Unhinged that brought out the extremes in the Democratic party and unveiled the large socialist city dwellers with even crazier ideas (than Bernie) like its Star Trek and Scotty beamed them back to the 1920's and 30s in Europe. Then they turned on each other - the 'Gang' uses Pelosi's playbook on her, and calls her a racist. Moderate democrats are speechless and in another Sci-fi analogy, Lost in Space, as the Gang tries to 'Trump' the party platform.

So no, the fight is none of those things listed above. It's back to the basics of, "Those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it."

Like in Marx/Lenin vs Adam Smith philosophies of what works best

Arrrrrrrrrr youuuuuuu Ready to Rumble?

Its now about:

Socialism vs Capitalism

Are we ready for a Viable 3rd Party Yet, or do we want to risk giving up this great melting pot of America to an economic/political ideology that's brought down dozens of countries around the world?
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Silver King, I think you just about hit the nail of the head with that post.
Its now about: socialism vs capitalism

Are we ready for a Viable 3rd Party yet, or do we want to risk giving up this great melting pot of America to an economic/political ideology that's brought down dozens of countries around the world?

Great post SK.

A third party candidate in 2020 is a real possibility. If a more moderate Liberal makes a serious run, that would split the Democratic party so completely Trump would win in a landslide. Trump is far from perfect, but his base is much more firmly entrenched and prepared to fight to the end to protect what most of us consider "The American Way of life".

But 4 years later in 2024, the Left will be right back (no pun intended) and several dynamics bode in their favor to give them the momentum they need to topple Capitalism once and for all.

First, Trump wont be back. Second, a significant portion of his conservative Republican base will no longer be "entrenched", but "expired". Third, the far left will have engaged in the fight of their lives to see to it that millions upon millions of undocumented immigrants will be given right to vote. Unbelieveably, unless Americans wake up, that bloc may decide our Country's future, even though they may not even have attained U.S. citizenship. And fourth, in four or five years millions and millions of young people (who are currently 13 or 14 years of age) will have reached voting age.

The Democrats likely blew their chance to win the Presidency in 2020 when 100% of their candidates raised their right hands in favor of abolishing private health care and promised free health care to one and all, even to all those who have entered the U.S. illegally.

But 4 years from now, their tantalizing lure of promising to take from the rich and give to the poor will be falling on the ears millions of people who are either too young or too uneducated to understand that nothing - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND - has ever been free.

On the bright side, those of us who love this place will have enjoyed - for the most part - a 250 year chance to be free. On the down side, those who were looking for freebies will need to stop worrying about handouts and learn to speak Chinese.

Oddly - and mark Nu'Trelle's words on this - when the dust settles, the freest people of all will be those who were the most pestilent and pernicious. They'll no longer have to worry about escaping ridicule, eluding law enforcement or figuring out how to score drugs because they'll simply be purged.

And the decision to do it will likely occur in the blink of an eye.

The leaders of the new order won't spend one minute worrying about them. There will be be no attempt to cage them, or rehabilitate them, or spend trillions of yuan (dollars) to deal with their propensity for crime. Nor will one penny will be wasted to soothe their pain with opioids or care for their off-spring. Those in a position to dictate their fate will simply deal with them like an infestation of cockroaches and be done with it.
* * * * * *
Seniors don't have much to worry about, assuming can escape being gunned down in a Walmart parking lot by feuding drug dealers and avoid being hit and killed by a driver strung out on opioids with 3 kids in the car.

Even a man the same age as peezy (the habitual line stepper) may survive long enough to cash in his chips.

The people we truly have to worry about are our youth. They're definitely in peril. Liberals - for the most part - are educating them. Rap artists and video games occupy much of their time after school.

Sadly, unless guys like peezy - who's undoubtedly doing his level best to raise two daughters to be responsible adults - can stem the tide, his generation may be the last to live and die free.
SK thanks you guys - he likes getting the rare chance to use his Masters in Political Science, since he didn't get to use it much running Shrimp or Tarpon fishing boats, yachts, and schooners.

Neut your well presented and chilling scenario may well be, but having three boys I need some hope. As I type this we're babysitting while my youngest is driving his in-labor wife to the hospital to deliever my 2nd granddaughter.

My kids are all hard working, and I'm around their friends a lot (hosted a junk fish tournament last week for 30 or so CC firefighters. And my boys all have football friends I've known since they were kids).

In this group, I don't see a lot of young, educated people, buying into that end of the Dem party. But I do see a lot of them getting more politically awareness.

What AOC will become the poster girl for, even to the Democrats is how in a District with a population of close to 700,000 stayed at home, and allowed her to win with a mere 16,000 votes.

That's a vote total you see on the order of someone getting Dogs, dead people or Pat Paulson on ballots.
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SK thanks you guys - he likes getting the rare chance to use his Masters in Political Science, since he didn't get to use it much running Shrimp or Tarpon fishing boats, yachts, and schooners.
Lord have mercy, a Masters in Political Science? How did an O-lineman from Punta Gorda ever pull that off? Did your wealthy parents bribe some small college Administrator? Nu'Trelle always had you pegged as "just another pretty face who could also drive a boat."

If you need a small ray of hope (as most of us probably do at this point) then take a moment to read this comment which was posted to Facebook. It's the perspective of a 26 year old woman who lives nearby.
* * * * * *

“I’m sitting in a small coffee shop near Nokomis trying to think of what to write about. I scroll through my newsfeed on my phone looking at the latest headlines of Democratic candidates calling for policies to “fix” the so-called injustices of capitalism.

I put my phone down and continue to look around. I see people talking freely, working on their MacBook’s, ordering food they get in an instant, seeing cars go by outside, and it dawned on me.

We live in the most privileged time in the most prosperous nation and we’ve become completely blind to it. Vehicles, food, technology, freedom to associate with whom we choose. These things are so ingrained in our American way of life we don’t give them a second thought. We are so well off here in the United States that our poverty line begins 31 times above the global average. Thirty. One. Times.

Virtually no one in the United States is considered poor by global standards. Yet, in a time where we can order a product off Amazon with one click and have it at our doorstep the next day, we are unappreciative, unsatisfied, and ungrateful.

Our unappreciation is evident as the popularity of socialist policies among my generation continues to grow. Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently said to Newsweek talking about the millennial generation, “An entire generation, which is now becoming one of the largest electorates in America, came of age and never saw American prosperity.”

Never saw American prosperity. Let that sink in. When I first read that statement, I thought to myself, that was quite literally the most entitled and factually illiterate thing I’ve ever heard in my 26 years on this earth. Now, I’m not attributing Miss Ocasio-Cortez’s words to outright dishonesty. I do think she whole-heartedly believes the words she said to be true. Many young people agree with her, which is entirely misguided. My generation is being indoctrinated by a mainstream narrative to actually believe we have never seen prosperity. I know this first hand, I went to college, let’s just say I didn’t have the popular opinion, but I digress.

Let me lay down some universal truths really quick. The United States of America has lifted more people out of abject poverty, spread more freedom and democracy, and has created more innovation in technology and medicine than any other nation in human history. Not only that but our citizenry continually breaks world records with charitable donations, the rags to riches story is not only possible in America but not uncommon, we have the strongest purchasing power on earth, and we encompass 25% of the world’s GDP.

The list goes on. However, these universal truths don’t matter. We are told that income inequality is an existential crisis (even though this is not an indicator of prosperity, some of the poorest countries in the world have low-income inequality), we are told that we are oppressed by capitalism (even though it’s brought about more freedom and wealth to the most people than any other system in world history), we are told that the only way we will acquire the benefits of true prosperity is through socialism and centralization of federal power (even though history has proven time and again this only brings tyranny and suffering).

Why then, with all of the overwhelming evidence around us, evidence that I can even see sitting at a coffee shop, do we not view this as prosperity?

We have people who are dying to get into our country. People around the world destitute and truly impoverished. Yet, we have a young generation convinced they’ve never seen prosperity, and as a result, elect politicians dead set on taking steps towards abolishing capitalism. Why?

The answer is this, my generation has ONLY seen prosperity. We have no contrast. We didn’t live in the great depression, or live through two world wars, or see the rise and fall of socialism and communism. We don’t know what it’s like not to live without the internet, without cars, without smartphones. We don’t have a lack of prosperity problem. We have an entitlement problem, an ungratefulness problem, and it’s spreading like a plague.

With the current political climate giving rise to the misguided idea of a socialist utopia, will we see the light? Or will we have to lose it all to realize that what we have now is true prosperity? Destroying the free market will undo what millions of people have died to achieve.

My generation is becoming the largest voting bloc in the country. We have an opportunity to continue to propel us forward with the gifts capitalism and democracy has given us. The other option is that we can fall into the trap of entitlement and relapse into restrictive socialist destitution. The choice doesn’t seem too hard, does it?”

Alyssa Ahlgren


* * * * * *
Alyssa is right. In fact, she's right as rain. Not all may be perfect for Americans, but success is here for the taking if people are willing to work hard, educate themselves and reach out for it. If she wasn't right, I wouldn't have been able to work at menial tasks for 8 years in exchange for an undergrad degree and likely never would have made it to SW FL to carve a better life. In the U.S. you can be born into abject poverty and work your way out. Nu'Trelle is living, breathing proof.

And for those like the The Gang of Four who are convinced that racial bias has stacked the deck against an entire segment of Americans, even though many of his HS classmates have already passed, out of a class of 376, Nu'Trelle still has several Black brothers and sisters who stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

Proud people all. People who didn't waste time complaining. Maybe at times the trip was arduous, but the roadmap was amazingly simple. We all started from humble beginnings, but maintained focus, overcame life's hurdles and ultimately realized our dreams of success.

God Bless America ... and screw Nike.
Simple, I was the best pulling guard in SW FL, blocked for two thousand yard backs (Leading rusher that held till Bellamy from my youngest son's team broke it).

Not big enough to play D-1, went to the NAIA, started all four years; three as the smallest starting tackle in NAIA (190), till moved back to guard Sr season. Won a couple of KCAC Titles, just missed the National 4 team playoffs (played in two Bowl Games), all with on a team with a secret weapon : 8 or more starters form Florida high schools. Graduated with double major; Business and Poli Sci.

Economy sucked, hot girlfriend, went to Grad school (They were begging for people, Vietnam ended and schools emptied) . Got an internship, it ended up as a job in 6 months as a policy analyst for two Kansas Governors (one GOP, one DEM).

Became disillusioned how tough it looked to change the establishment , left and came home to pursue a living I'd enjoy - got my Captain's license.

Since its slow here's a FB treat (Videoed off a TV no Less) of 1975 Boot Hill Bowl, Dodge City Freakin' Kansas.

Watch SK's Intro (#72) at 11:40, then just go over to 21:03 and listen to the hit SK (RG) puts on their Stud All-American LB first Offesnive play of the game (He was damn good). It was cold and our Two speedster Belle Glade runnig backs could not get warm enough to use their speed.

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Since its slow here's a FB treat (Videoed off a TV no Less) of 1975 Boot Hill Bowl, Dodge City Freakin' Kansas.
Nice bio, buddy, and thanks for the vid.

Nu'Trelle have never admitted this to nobody, but on that Saturday in 1975 when Silver King was up in Kansas exercising his choice to freeze his ass off, a recently-retired, 29 year old Nu'Trelle, who had relocated to FL just one year earlier, was on the beach at Loudermilk Park in Naples, FL.

He didn't have no job either. In fact, Nu'Trelle never planned to work another day in his life. He had enough money in the bank to tide him over and, more importantly, he had a solid gameplan. He was going to hit a couple bars that night while SK nursed his aches and pains.

Nu'Trelle came to SW FL for just two reasons: (1) He never wanted to see snow again and (2) he was going to meet and marry a woman who had absolutely no discretion and money to burn. As Neutral's Grandpa always said, "Son, it's no harder to love a wealthy woman."

So how'd things turn out? Not bad. Nu'Trelle is batting .500. He ain't see a flake of snow yet.

On finding that rich woman? It's still early. No reason to hit the panic button. Nomsayin?
Neutral Observer, the only women that I ever loved has been gone 17 years this past June.
The “Thoughts from a hipster coffee shop …” opinion piece was truly written by Ahlgren. The article was originally published on 6 April 2019 on the website Alphanewsmn, where Ahlgren is a regular contributor. Ahlgren has also been published by the Daily Caller and is an ambassador for the conservative organization Turning Point USA. Also appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News television show in April 2019

Go Canes Go!
Simple, I was the best pulling guard in SW FL, blocked for two thousand yard backs (Leading rusher that held till Bellamy from my youngest son's team broke it).

Not big enough to play D-1, went to the NAIA, started all four years; three as the smallest starting tackle in NAIA (190), till moved back to guard Sr season. Won a couple of KCAC Titles, just missed the National 4 team playoffs (played in two Bowl Games), all with on a team with a secret weapon : 8 or more starters form Florida high schools. Graduated with double major; Business and Poli Sci.

Economy sucked, hot girlfriend, went to Grad school (They were begging for people, Vietnam ended and schools emptied) . Got an internship, it ended up as a job in 6 months as a policy analyst for two Kansas Governors (one GOP, one DEM).

Became disillusioned how tough it looked to change the establishment , left and came home to pursue a living I'd enjoy - got my Captain's license.

Since its slow here's a FB treat (Videoed off a TV no Less) of 1975 Boot Hill Bowl, Dodge City Freakin' Kansas.

Watch SK's Intro (#72) at 11:40, then just go over to 21:03 and listen to the hit SK (RG) puts on their Stud All-American LB first Offesnive play of the game (He was damn good). It was cold and our Two speedster Belle Glade runnig backs could not get warm enough to use their speed.

Thanks for the video, you need to get that moved to digital before the VHS tape goes bad. Loved the center's double "00" Jim Otto for the Raiders was always my poster child for what playing on the OL was all about! That All- American LB side stepped you a number of times in the 1st QT, but you also got some good licks in a number of times too. So they spotted you a 14-0 lead, who won the game?

Go Canes Go!
The Center Donnie Brusca was from Cardinal Neumann loved Jim Otto, even wore black socks. A great guy just chatted with him the other day we get together every so often.

As for Carloson's clip: I got very liberal when I was in grad school, hanging with feminists, being taught by guys who had been on the front lines of the Vietnam protests in places Like Southern Illinois Univ.
-MAGA 45 2020

Those "women" are an abomination. Un-American as it gets. I don't care where you are from or what you look like, but the left makes a living out of disparaging our great Republic. I have many, many liberal family members and friends (of all shades). Although we disagree on many things politically, we get along and we share the common ideals that make this country great. Individual freedoms, self-determination, compassion for the disadvantaged, etc. However, the far left is a totally different story (and its becoming the mainstream for the left). This faction does not want unity and hates OUR ideals and history. Seems the far left is hellbent on destroying us from within. Anti-American, against assimilation into our culture, determined to redistribute wealth, and to take away personal thought, choice, speech, and freedoms.

The far left can F-Off.
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When he watched live as the President castigated these 4 women and told them to "go back to the Country they came from", Nu'Trelle smashed the palm of one hand into the center of his forehead and said out loud, "What in the hell is he talking about? 3 of the 4 were born here!"

Same deal when Trump talked about John McCain, a political rival who was a true American military hero. A man who served his Nation and was shot down and taken as a P.O.W.

Whenever I'd hear him demean McCain, I'd use the same palm to smack the same part of my forehead even harder and scream at the top of my lungs, "HOW CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING AS STUPID AS 'I LIKE GUYS WHO DIDN'T GET SHOT DOWN'? WHAT BRANCH DID YOU SERVE IN, PARTNER???"

As a veteran - even though I know Trump is pro-military - nothing he has said since taking office has been more offensive to me than his remarks about McCain. So yeah, I'm feelin ya peezy. Feelin ya bigtime. Let's move on.

Nu'Trelle is a conservative who grew up in the rust belt living among the working poor. He voted Republican in 2016 mainly because Trump made the following promise, "Put me in office and assure you I will put America and Americans first."

Essentially, I believe he has stayed that course. Trump is without question the most pro-American president in Nu'Trelle's lifetime, edging out even Dwight Eisenhower, a good man and military hero who lacked the benefit of Trump's experience in the private sector.

As an individual who pulled himself up by his own boot straps, Nu'Trelle and was one of millions and millions and millions of American success stories. Was he white? Yes. Did he go to school with scores of blacks who worked to make a better life for themselves and succeeded? Absolutely.

As someone who owned a business the majority of his life, Nu'Trelle had to rely primarily on one essential job skill: Making deals. And thank God he was got to be pretty good at it because you don't make a profit by completing a job. Only a very naive person would think that.

You may collect your money when you complete the job, but the profit is made (or not made) when you sit down across the table from someone and strike the deal.

Does that mean Nu'Trelle is a "Capitalist"? Yes. Are there American citizens who would think his success - even though modest by most measurements - was shameful? Absolutely. Look no further than the 20 people who appeared on stage in the first two Democratic debates. Look no further than the 4 women of color that Trump wrongfully castigated.

A solid college education was Nu'Trelle springboard and several of his professors were inspirational, but no one learns to make deals sitting in a classroom. And very few political officeholders are good at it either. Even those with degrees in Economics.

Nu'Trelle has spent a lifetime watching politicians try to leverage deals. Making deals with the average politician would have been like taking candy from a baby. Like watching a professional pitcher throwing 95 mph fastballs past guys who were cut from their HS baseball team.

Is Trump the best deal maker who ever lived? Nope. Not by a long shot. Most of the world's most powerful deal makers are sitting on top of oil reserves. Which politician do want sitting at the table talking to them? Kamala Harris? Bernie Sanders? Nancy Pelosi? Beto O'Rourke?

Laughable isn't it?

Who do you want to send to the next G8 conference? Let's see. How about the dealmaking dynamo known as "Elizabeth Warren". No? Not confident about her skill set? How about a if we make it a two for one package deal and throw in freshman Senator A.O. Cortez, the woman's who telling us that immigrants have been forced to drink turds out of toilet bowls?


A CLOSING THOUGHT FOR PEEZY: If Trump would have kept his cool when he responded to the 4 women of color, he would have thrown both arms in the air, put that bewildered look on his face that he has perfected over the years and say, "I don't know what to say folks. Except these 4 women who are trying to tear me apart are apparently so incredibly stupid that they think you have to get down on your hands and knees, stick your whole head down into the bowl and try to drink around the turds. To each his own I guess.

I don't know (pause and make solid eye contact all around the room), but I'd be willing to bet this, if we sent 100 hard-working Republicans up to one of these units, I believe with every essence of being, that all 100 would walk up, remain standing and simply push the button that said "Water". What do you think? Am I right?

And furthermore (pausing to let supporters laugh and cheer him on) I'd be willing to double down that, if any of these same 100 Republicans people saw a Democrat fall to their knees and try to stick their head in the bowl, they'd be kind enough to stop them and flush the damned thing for them first.

Nu'Trelle yields the balance of his time.

Keep in mind that I voted for McCain because, quite frankly, voting for an anti American, educated in a Muslim Madrasa in Indonesia, was more than I could bare! The lesser of two evils as it were. But McCain deserved some of his criticism. He was a HOTDOG in the NAVY, who had lost THREE aircraft when he was taken prisoner, because he wasn't a very good pilot! He was shot down, because he was picked up by SAM missile batteries, because he was flying TOO high! He was ill equipped at flying on the tree tops, where he would have been relatively safe prior to the mission! I think that the only reason he was in that situation, was because of pilot shortages! I'll give him his pain endured in the Hanoi Hilton. The word I got though, was that he didn't take the early out of the prison, because it would have looked badly for his aspirations for a political career, at a later date! I don't think that he realized at the time, how long he would have to be imprisoned.

As for AOC plus three, no words are TOO harsh for those clowns! It has NOTHING to do with RACE! It has to do with PATRIOTISM which THEY have NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are doing EVERYTHING they can, to tear down this country! They shouldn't be deported, they should be in JAIL, for TREASON!

I realize that Trump says some REALLY stupid things sometimes! But, basically, I think that he means well, especially for the welfare of the country! And SO FAR, he has done as well as ANY President in HISTORY! And if the DIMMS would get out of his damn way, who KNOWS what he could accomplish!
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-MAGA 45 2020

Those "women" are an abomination. Un-American as it gets. I don't care where you are from or what you look like, but the left makes a living out of disparaging our great Republic. I have many, many liberal family members and friends (of all shades). Although we disagree on many things politically, we get along and we share the common ideals that make this country great. Individual freedoms, self-determination, compassion for the disadvantaged, etc. However, the far left is a totally different story (and its becoming the mainstream for the left). This faction does not want unity and hates OUR ideals and history. Seems the far left is hellbent on destroying us from within. Anti-American, against assimilation into our culture, determined to redistribute wealth, and to take away personal thought, choice, speech, and freedoms.

The far left can F-Off.

Orabidone welcome, SK likes that handle; sounds like a cross with a word from this song and the HC from LSU. I believe this is one of Neut's favorite SD songs.

I am really enjoying this discussion! There have been some great points that are being made, that I happen to agree with.
Keep in mind that I voted for McCain because, quite frankly, voting for an anti American, educated in a Muslim Madrasa in Indonesia, was more than I could bare! The lesser of two evils as it were. But McCain deserved some of his criticism. He was a HOTDOG in the NAVY, who had lost THREE aircraft when he was taken prisoner, because he wasn't a very good pilot! He was shot down, because he was picked up by SAM missile batteries, because he was flying TOO high! He was ill equipped at flying on the tree tops, where he would have been relatively safe prior to the mission! I think that the only reason he was in that situation, was because of pilot shortages! I'll give him his pain endured in the Hanoi Hilton. The word I got though, was that he didn't take the early out of the prison, because it would have looked badly for his aspirations for a political career, at a later date! I don't think that he realized at the time, how long he would have to be imprisoned.

As for AOC plus three, no words are TOO harsh for those clowns! It has NOTHING to do with RACE! It has to do with PATRIOTISM which THEY have NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are doing EVERYTHING they can, to tear down this country! They shouldn't be deported, they should be in JAIL, for TREASON!

I realize that Trump says some REALLY stupid things sometimes! But, basically, I think that he means well, especially for the welfare of the country! And SO FAR, he has done as well as ANY President in HISTORY! And if the DIMMS would get out of his damn way, who KNOWS what he could accomplish!

....Sigghhh.... Can I ask where that "word" came from... I mean I really really would like to hear the source of that information because um... I cannot think of anyone who would say "nah keep me in the concentration camp a few more weeks to help me out politically in 20 years"

You have to understand the logic and common sense of that statement is causing 8.0 level reading on the BS Meter Richter scale.
Can someone define what it means to be "American" in your own personal view (Please do this without mention other people that you feel are un american because I want to see what it is that makes YOU American based on your views). I see so many people in general (not here just everyone) saying that this person or that person is Un-American but I am curious what your individual idea of being American is because I think that is an opinion beholden to the individual since we have our freedoms.
....Sigghhh.... Can I ask where that "word" came from... I mean I really really would like to hear the source of that information because um... I cannot think of anyone who would say "nah keep me in the concentration camp a few more weeks to help me out politically in 20 years"

You have to understand the logic and common sense of that statement is causing 8.0 level reading on the BS Meter Richter scale.
Peezy28.....I cant believe you have to ask yourself , "to what means will someone stoop/go to accomplish a goal" Read "She Stoops to Conquer "it's a comedy by Oliver Goldsmith in 1773 that illustrates human nature and to what means an person will go to accomplish a goal...................History is riddled with so many instances of this..............McCain had a father and Grandfather that had served with honor and prestige in the armed services, mean while during his time in the military, McCain's was one of if not for his heritage he would have been extremely lucky to have even been admitted in to the service academy.....his military service had been a colossal failure, and his getting shot down was a perfect illustration of what a terrible pilot he actually was. My feeling about McCain as a POW was more about him attempting to live up to military standard established by his Grandfather and father despite him basically being a royal screw up, than about him being a hero and ethical fortitude.

Go Canes Go!
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Believe in the ideals on which the country was founded. Individual freedoms, self determination, a govt. subservient to the will of the people; Total opposite of big govt liberals and thought control leftists.
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Believe in the ideals on which the country was founded. Individual freedoms, self determination, a govt. subservient to the will of the people; Total opposite of big govt liberals and thought control leftists.
You didn't follow the rules
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When he watched live as the President castigated these 4 women and told them to "go back to the Country they came from", Nu'Trelle smashed the palm of one hand into the center of his forehead and said out loud, "What in the hell is he talking about? 3 of the 4 were born here!"

Same deal when Trump talked about John McCain, a political rival who was a true American military hero. A man who served his Nation and was shot down and taken as a P.O.W.

Whenever I'd hear him demean McCain, I'd use the same palm to smack the same part of my forehead even harder and scream at the top of my lungs, "HOW CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING AS STUPID AS 'I LIKE GUYS WHO DIDN'T GET SHOT DOWN'? WHAT BRANCH DID YOU SERVE IN, PARTNER???"

As a veteran - even though I know Trump is pro-military - nothing he has said since taking office has been more offensive to me than his remarks about McCain. So yeah, I'm feelin ya peezy. Feelin ya bigtime. Let's move on.

Nu'Trelle is a conservative who grew up in the rust belt living among the working poor. He voted Republican in 2016 mainly because Trump made the following promise, "Put me in office and assure you I will put America and Americans first."

Essentially, I believe he has stayed that course. Trump is without question the most pro-American president in Nu'Trelle's lifetime, edging out even Dwight Eisenhower, a good man and military hero who lacked the benefit of Trump's experience in the private sector.

As an individual who pulled himself up by his own boot straps, Nu'Trelle and was one of millions and millions and millions of American success stories. Was he white? Yes. Did he go to school with scores of blacks who worked to make a better life for themselves and succeeded? Absolutely.

As someone who owned a business the majority of his life, Nu'Trelle had to rely primarily on one essential job skill: Making deals. And thank God he was got to be pretty good at it because you don't make a profit by completing a job. Only a very naive person would think that.

You may collect your money when you complete the job, but the profit is made (or not made) when you sit down across the table from someone and strike the deal.

Does that mean Nu'Trelle is a "Capitalist"? Yes. Are there American citizens who would think his success - even though modest by most measurements - was shameful? Absolutely. Look no further than the 20 people who appeared on stage in the first two Democratic debates. Look no further than the 4 women of color that Trump wrongfully castigated.

A solid college education was Nu'Trelle springboard and several of his professors were inspirational, but no one learns to make deals sitting in a classroom. And very few political officeholders are good at it either. Even those with degrees in Economics.

Nu'Trelle has spent a lifetime watching politicians try to leverage deals. Making deals with the average politician would have been like taking candy from a baby. Like watching a professional pitcher throwing 95 mph fastballs past guys who were cut from their HS baseball team.

Is Trump the best deal maker who ever lived? Nope. Not by a long shot. Most of the world's most powerful deal makers are sitting on top of oil reserves. Which politician do want sitting at the table talking to them? Kamala Harris? Bernie Sanders? Nancy Pelosi? Beto O'Rourke?

Laughable isn't it?

Who do you want to send to the next G8 conference? Let's see. How about the dealmaking dynamo known as "Elizabeth Warren". No? Not confident about her skill set? How about a if we make it a two for one package deal and throw in freshman Senator A.O. Cortez, the woman's who telling us that immigrants have been forced to drink turds out of toilet bowls?


A CLOSING THOUGHT FOR PEEZY: If Trump would have kept his cool when he responded to the 4 women of color, he would have thrown both arms in the air, put that bewildered look on his face that he has perfected over the years and say, "I don't know what to say folks. Except these 4 women who are trying to tear me apart are apparently so incredibly stupid that they think you have to get down on your hands and knees, stick your whole head down into the bowl and try to drink around the turds. To each his own I guess.

I don't know (pause and make solid eye contact all around the room), but I'd be willing to bet this, if we sent 100 hard-working Republicans up to one of these units, I believe with every essence of being, that all 100 would walk up, remain standing and simply push the button that said "Water". What do you think? Am I right?

And furthermore (pausing to let supporters laugh and cheer him on) I'd be willing to double down that, if any of these same 100 Republicans people saw a Democrat fall to their knees and try to stick their head in the bowl, they'd be kind enough to stop them and flush the damned thing for them first.

Nu'Trelle yields the balance of his time.

I'm curious! WHICH U.S. President has been a BETTER deal maker than PRESIDENT Trump? And the WORST one, gave a HUNNERED and FIFTY BILLION dollars to IRAN, to fund TERRORISTS and to enrich their nuclear program!
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Another question. Who in here has a Military Background. I know Neutral does curious of who else. Any SOF (aka spec ops)?
Brother was EOD in the Marine Corps, and then later did work for the State Department internationally utilizing EOD background there, before settling in with the US Marshall service. He now does private contracting internationally as a consultant for foreign governments with a special emphasis on bomb detection in public locations like airports and government building etc........

Go Canes Go
So what did I miss?

I've read a lot of your comments. And I will give a few.
1) I voted for McCain, not Obama
2) I have hated Trump for so many years I've lost count. He is the cruelest man in the world. I remember ever detail of how he treated his wives through their divorces. That says a lot about how a man will treat other countries and he has been true to form
3) I didn't want to vote in 2016 (but I did) because there was no good choice, not one!
4) Every day I pray for a third political party. I don't like the choices available right now. I believe in capitalism but business owners have to care about more than just making money. They have to have a conscience. I still remember how many lives were ruined by those criminals at Enron. I also don't want to save the earth at the expense of jobs. I want my children to have clean air and water and not have to live on top of a landfill. But, over-regulation is ridiculous. All government regulations need to be analyzed, updated, and rewritten to today's standards, not blatantly abolished. I should know as I had to read and follow them for 26 years!
5) I have to register as a Republican to have a say in what happens in my county. No Democrats ever run. And I will do my best to get that idiot, Matt Gaetz, out of office as soon as possible. What an a$$ kisser!

6) In my 34 years around military personnel, I have met people from all around the world. They had different color skin, different religions, and spoke different languages. But, they were just like me. They want to raise their family in a safe and friendly environment, have a job to provide for that family, and be happy. That's all anyone wants. So why are so many people afraid of those that speak other languages or have different color skin? AS I ALWAYS TELL MY FAMILY, HEAVEN ISN'T "WHITES ONLY', SO YOU BETTER LEARN TO LOVE EVERYONE ON EARTH!
Choctaw Fan, I would like to thank you for your point-of-view, and it is good to see you back posting on this message board. I have to admit that I have been angered by some of your comments in the past, both political and football officiating-related. However, reading your post here, it is obvious that you are a clear-thinking military veteran. This message board is coming back-to-life again.
Another question. Who in here has a Military Background. I know Neutral does curious of who else. Any SOF (aka spec ops)?

I was an E4, with two tours in Vietnam on riverboats and destroyers, operating off of North Vietnam during the Tet Offensive!
When he watched live as the President castigated these 4 women and told them to "go back to the Country they came from", Nu'Trelle smashed the palm of one hand into the center of his forehead and said out loud, "What in the hell is he talking about? 3 of the 4 were born here!"

Same deal when Trump talked about John McCain, a political rival who was a true American military hero. A man who served his Nation and was shot down and taken as a P.O.W.

Whenever I'd hear him demean McCain, I'd use the same palm to smack the same part of my forehead even harder and scream at the top of my lungs, "HOW CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING AS STUPID AS 'I LIKE GUYS WHO DIDN'T GET SHOT DOWN'? WHAT BRANCH DID YOU SERVE IN, PARTNER???"

As a veteran - even though I know Trump is pro-military - nothing he has said since taking office has been more offensive to me than his remarks about McCain. So yeah, I'm feelin ya peezy. Feelin ya bigtime. Let's move on.

Nu'Trelle is a conservative who grew up in the rust belt living among the working poor. He voted Republican in 2016 mainly because Trump made the following promise, "Put me in office and assure you I will put America and Americans first."

Essentially, I believe he has stayed that course. Trump is without question the most pro-American president in Nu'Trelle's lifetime, edging out even Dwight Eisenhower, a good man and military hero who lacked the benefit of Trump's experience in the private sector.

As an individual who pulled himself up by his own boot straps, Nu'Trelle and was one of millions and millions and millions of American success stories. Was he white? Yes. Did he go to school with scores of blacks who worked to make a better life for themselves and succeeded? Absolutely.

As someone who owned a business the majority of his life, Nu'Trelle had to rely primarily on one essential job skill: Making deals. And thank God he was got to be pretty good at it because you don't make a profit by completing a job. Only a very naive person would think that.

You may collect your money when you complete the job, but the profit is made (or not made) when you sit down across the table from someone and strike the deal.

Does that mean Nu'Trelle is a "Capitalist"? Yes. Are there American citizens who would think his success - even though modest by most measurements - was shameful? Absolutely. Look no further than the 20 people who appeared on stage in the first two Democratic debates. Look no further than the 4 women of color that Trump wrongfully castigated.

A solid college education was Nu'Trelle springboard and several of his professors were inspirational, but no one learns to make deals sitting in a classroom. And very few political officeholders are good at it either. Even those with degrees in Economics.

Nu'Trelle has spent a lifetime watching politicians try to leverage deals. Making deals with the average politician would have been like taking candy from a baby. Like watching a professional pitcher throwing 95 mph fastballs past guys who were cut from their HS baseball team.

Is Trump the best deal maker who ever lived? Nope. Not by a long shot. Most of the world's most powerful deal makers are sitting on top of oil reserves. Which politician do want sitting at the table talking to them? Kamala Harris? Bernie Sanders? Nancy Pelosi? Beto O'Rourke?

Laughable isn't it?

Who do you want to send to the next G8 conference? Let's see. How about the dealmaking dynamo known as "Elizabeth Warren". No? Not confident about her skill set? How about a if we make it a two for one package deal and throw in freshman Senator A.O. Cortez, the woman's who telling us that immigrants have been forced to drink turds out of toilet bowls?


A CLOSING THOUGHT FOR PEEZY: If Trump would have kept his cool when he responded to the 4 women of color, he would have thrown both arms in the air, put that bewildered look on his face that he has perfected over the years and say, "I don't know what to say folks. Except these 4 women who are trying to tear me apart are apparently so incredibly stupid that they think you have to get down on your hands and knees, stick your whole head down into the bowl and try to drink around the turds. To each his own I guess.

I don't know (pause and make solid eye contact all around the room), but I'd be willing to bet this, if we sent 100 hard-working Republicans up to one of these units, I believe with every essence of being, that all 100 would walk up, remain standing and simply push the button that said "Water". What do you think? Am I right?

And furthermore (pausing to let supporters laugh and cheer him on) I'd be willing to double down that, if any of these same 100 Republicans people saw a Democrat fall to their knees and try to stick their head in the bowl, they'd be kind enough to stop them and flush the damned thing for them first.

Nu'Trelle yields the balance of his time.

Well, lemme interject a lil hindsight into the McCain fiasco! FIRST of all, why does getting shot down because he was a crappy pilot, constitute hero status? He got shot down, because he wasn't flying on the treetops before a bombing run, like combat pilots are instructed! He lost his nerve, was flying higher than normal, and was shot down by SAM missile batteries, PURE and SIMPLE! THEN, he opts to stay in the Hanoi Hilton, after being given a free pass out, because of political expediency due to his father's status! And for future political aspirations, stayed with his comrades to save face! Little did he know, that he bit off more than he bargained for! THEN, he gets back to the states with 'hero' status, and runs as a Republican, with NO intention of helping the country, only the DEMS at a later date, at the expense of PRESIDENT Trump! He took Trump's comments personally, and PISS ON the USA!

Do I condone Trump's language, oh HELL NO! BUT, at LEAST he has the UNITED STATES of AMERICA at heart! His New York City tough guy upbringing, just gets the best of him, from time to time. As for chasitizing AOC plus Three! They are a DISGRACE to the House of Representatives, UNPRECEDENTED in U.S. History! Their job is NOT to chastise OUR president! Their job is to pass legislation for the betterment of OUR country! What have they done to that end, THUS far? N O T H I N G except attempt to subvert America! And THEY should be IMPEACHED, not Trump!

If the DIMMS don't steal the next election like they tried to do in 2016, and with their attempted Coup d'etat after inauguration. Or if their whackos don't assassinate OUR president! He will go down in history as the BEST there EVER WAS! Because, unlike a politician, he understands what NEEDS to be done, and what is just posturing by his opponents, for political gain! If he loses, WE are FRICKIN SCREWED forEVER! Because the DIMMS want to turn America into a Socialist state! And those types of regimes are doomed for CATASTROPHE! And it's just a matter of time, before that happens! Because the Dumbocrats have LOST their FRICKIN MIND! They don't give a CRAP about America! All THEY want is government control of YOUR LIFE! 1939 GERMANY ANYONE? And IF anyone thinks that the Trump Administration is behaving like NAZIS! Lemme give you a lil insight into what that WOULD be like, had AOC plus Three had made their statements in 1939 Germany! They would have been taken out into the town square and EXECUTED!
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