I'm a BIG Spartanburg Vikings poster & fan and i'm looking forward to the match up on ESPNU on Aug 29th 2015.
I'm a BIG Spartanburg Vikings poster & fan ...
You might think you "BIG", but Nu'Trelle willing to lay odds you ain't no bigger than APKnewsguy.
Oh, be careful what you ask for....You don't have to join to view post but you might want to so you can get in the conversations....
I'm sure we can handle him, there's alot of trash & smack talkers on our board that keeps it exciting.Oh, be careful what you ask for.
Oh i got you now, i didn't mean BIG as in LARGE in was talking more like supportive!!APKnewsguy a well-known reporter/photographer for a small-town FL newspaper. He so big that one 90+ degree afternoon at a State final players on one sideline started fist-fighting each other just for a chance to stand in his shadow. The boy make Silver King look like a midget.
Victor, I believe you should start out with something a little more ... pedestrian ... Good luck!
My first wife was a pedestrian. I was ok with it, even with all that foot washing. At our particular church, they occasionally would have communion on foot washing Sundays, but only before people started pulling off their kicks. Easter? Man, please! Them people would go all out with the new kicks on that day! Gucci, Lewis Vitron, Jordans before they even got loaded on the truck for the mall. I always went with gator loafers with see through socks, cause I pimp like dat.To Blackpopsicle: Nu'Trelle would prefer to practice Pedestrianism ... in fack, he was baptized Pedestrian ... but there ain't no Pedestrinarian churches within biking distance.
... when Neutral said he couldn't find a Pedestrian Church within biking distance, that was a joke. He know good and damn well they ain't gonna let NOBODY come up in no Full Gospel Pedestrian Church riding no damn Schwinn.
They're all cargo cults, bro.After reading all these posts from SSPs, this poor cat from SC is prolly dizzy. SK know a little about the Myrtle Beach Seahawks because a close family friend, a 6'5" kid who grew up heading to be a Tarpon with SKs youngest, ended up moving there and staring at tackle on the State Championship team blocking for Everett Golson. But that aside, the theological tone of this post makes SK want to join a Cargo Cult in the Pacific.
To Silver King: They're all cargo cults, bro.
Congressman don't ring a bell. Nu'Trelle can't say 100% for sure, but he believe it were a Cessna.Was you guys flying the Congressman?
And Ronnie, I don't know about all of them being cargo cults. Religion is faith based. Cargo Cults are tangible evidence based - maybe the cargo was a few cases of Spam that washed ashore maybe a skid of Schlitz beer, it was accepted as Devine intervention.
Funny that Silver King would include mention of Harps ... which is precisely what Nu'Trelle drink whenever he in Ireland.Think about it. How many do the ritual for something in return? 777 virgins, golden harps and streets of gold, health, wealth, and get out of jail free cards. Even searching for inner truth is self gain.
After reading all these posts from SSPs, this poor cat from SC is prolly dizzy. Not really, i'm use to posters talking about everything under the sun that has nothing to do with football!!.......this a high school football forum is it not!! SK know a little about the Myrtle Beach Seahawks because a close family friend, a 6'5" kid who grew up heading to be a Tarpon with SKs youngest, ended up moving there and staring at tackle on the State Championship team blocking for Everett Golson. With the 5 star running back we have, we don't need a 6'5 tackle blocking for him........you give one tiny hole and its off to the races!! But that aside, the theological tone of this post makes SK want to join a Cargo Cult in the Pacific.
Here's a little excitement to keep SK grounded!!![]()
That's nice - thank you for sharing - but enough of the highlight clips - what we needs to know is this. What's the "real reason" the coach stepped down at Maynard Evans (known to most as 'Orlando Evans HS)'? That's a easy question to answer!!...........He CAN'T coach!! The team went 10-2 in 2011 & 9-3 in 2012, then 1-9 in 2013 and then 1-9 after he took over as HC. If he was a good coach, he had no where to go but UP!!, the team had already hit rock bottom before he arrived. He clearly stated the talent was there!! We got a poster on here whose life seemingly on hold until he uncover the nitty gritty, nomsayin?
BTW, please don't say nothin to SK about being "grounded". SK drive boats for a living ... and we aint talkin small ones, we talkin big A$$$$$$$$$$$$ boats! Kind he drives don't go by feets ... they go by tons.