What other board and what the hell happened on it??

Silver King

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2002
Punta Gorda
People be showing up here like Syrian refugees, carrying on conversations like we all privy to what they mean, on the order of a Steely Dan song.

We got the political lines drawn over the shoe. We got stuff about CK, AC and a broke down AC, about kids from the participation era and those some who are focused.

We got Jambun back with his usual disclaimer, that "Enquiring minds want to know".

We got stuff about Tigers - what Tigers? One of the most over utilized names for a sports team.

There's the Detroit Tigers, Palmetto Tigers, Hanshin Tigers,Clemson, Auburn, and SK's Master's Alma Matter:Ft Hays State University Tigers, Hamilton Tigers.

We got a screenplay. And they're off!
People be showing up here like Syrian refugees...
Yeah SK, better take cover for the time bein. A deal like this is when two dudes start shootin at each other in the parkin lot of a check-cashin store and next thing you know they still firin away at each other at a liquor store 25 blocks away. Nomsayin?
Time for the annual appeal from Brother Rodney, one of the most selfless individuals of all time who epitomizes the notion of forgiveness.

Like Naughts08 always tole people, "Git your facts straight!"

It's a whole different world now, SK. The 1992 riots in L.A. are ancient history. Today is 27 years later.

Back in the day, the "L.A. Four" used clubs, rocks and bricks to beat the livin chit outta Reginald Denny after they hauled him out his truck. Police were able to catch and prosecute these dudes because they were poor and didn't have no access to good tennis shoes.

Today's a whole different story. The average self-respectin convicted felon in present day L.A. have a 9 in his pocket (at bare minimum) an maybe even got hisself a AR-15 with a couple 100 round clips to go along.

Plus he'd probbley be wearin a pair of $299 Thug-Edition Nikes that is been given the Seal of Approval by Colin Kaepernick.
Oh yes California, what other state has enough poop in the street, that it requires a digital map made to avoid "poop in the street"
If you live in Callyfornia, poop in the streets might be the least of your problems. Check out this video of a family fight that broke out last weekend at Disneyland. You never knew women's Levi shorts were available in XXXXXXXL, did you? The Grandmama rolls up at 0:30 on the electric mobility scooter an dey even give her a$$ a knockin out! Dude in the pink shirt (thanks Peezy) was wearin his Nike gear. S'pose he's a Colin Kaepernick fan?

Note: Remember this video was shot in the middle of the afternoon at what is billed as "The Happiest Place on Earth". Imagine what it would be like to be over at the family crib on a Saturday night bout 3 am? :confused:

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If you live in Callyfornia, poop in the streets might be the least of your problems. Check out this video of a family fight that broke out last weekend at Disneyland. You never knew women's Levi shorts were available in XXXXXXXL, did you? Dude in the red shirt was wearin his Nike gear. S'pose he's a Colin Kaepernick fan?


Correction that shirt is pink...The crazy part about this whole video other then its basically men hitting women while the kids are watching and unattended is all of them are brothers sisters gfs husbands
Nice response by the Disney Security. No one in a hurry to jump on the big fella.

Custodian came up, then thought, "I don't get paid for this". Next was some good samaritans getting involved until they see the whole bunch was crazy and it was too hard to figure out whose fighting who.

My favorite is when Sammy Davis Jr. and Mark Twain show up, they veer quickly off stage left following the one chick. Finally the Cop from Mike & Molly shows up and lets everybody disperse.

I hope Disney gets their ass sued over this.
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Nice response by the Disney Security. No one in a hurry to jump on the big fella.

Custodian came up, then thought, "I don't get paid for this". Next was some good samaritans getting involved until they see the whole bunch was crazy and it was too hard to figure out whose fighting who.

My favorite is when Sammy Davis Jr. and Mark Twain show up, they veer quickly off stage left following the one chick. Finally the Cop from Mike & Molly shows up and lets everybody disperse.

I hope Disney gets their ass sued over this.

I thought the same thing... Man WalMart Security would have been all over this LOL. Disney security shows up after the battle goes on for like 5 minutes and 1st tell the women who just got the snot beat out and choked out of her to "calm down" while letting the Big "Neighborhood CRIPS!" guy in the REDDISH Pink shirt (Go figure he did say he was a crypt) walk away... They must have done a full on SWOT Analysis prior to showing up and just thought (if we let THAT guy walk away maybe he just goes away and none of us have to get beat up we don't even have tazers man"

Whoever choked him out should have just put him to sleep IMO. Dude must be a real badazz where he is from... He beat up his sister and maybe grazed his "brother in law maybe" while his brother in law half cocked hit his GF in which he ensued to beat up his GF and really... she did not even touch his wheel chair Lebron falling mom.

This situation was a total cluster.
Man it was complicated to follow, but at first they looked like two English Gentleman boxers, dukes up and dancing around, bobbing and weaving.
Nice response by the Disney Security. No one in a hurry to jump on the big fella. I hope Disney gets their ass sued over this.
This situation was a total cluster.

All due respeck to SK and peezy, but Nu'Trelle have a whole different take on this unfortunate incident. Lotsa people probably would guess that these were "bad people" or maybe a fambly that "sucked down 5 or 6 intire bottles of MD-20/20 fore they come into the park". But Nu'Trelle would doubt that. It's obvious to him that these were church goin, God-fearin people who was just tryin to have a goot time when they spotted some Disney patrons wearin some of those black market $2,500 Betsy Ross Nike's which then caused them to have innocent flashbacks about hundreds of year worth of oppression which Colin Kaepernick been talkin about. What then ensued? They did the only thing they could do. They started tryin to beat the chit outta each other. They didn't get very far. But what the hell, at least they gave it their best shot. Nomsayin?

This is 2019 and a dawning of a new age, folks. Disney should give each fambly member a "Premium Lifetime Pass", plus allow each of them to "carry" whenever they come back. Other guests can then be advised to "Enter at your own risk." Disney should provide free health care to one and all -- even those who entered the park illegally and/or can't pass a breathalizer test.

It's high time for America to get things right!
Today I learned that the US Women's Soccer team.... (led by national anthem kneel'er Megan Rapinoe) is wanting equal compensation for what the US men's soccer team makes. What I found interesting about this was that the US women's team was beaten in 2017, 5-2 by a Dallas, TX U-15 boys soccer team, they also met defeat several years back when they played the U-17 boys team losing 8-2. Since this metoo thing seems to be catching on in almost every facet of American life...............If the women are now wanting equal compensation after their win at the world cup, what about the young boys they play that seem to consistently beat the US women's team arse.......shouldn't they be entitled to a compensation package as well?
Go Canes Go!
Yes. Yes. Yes. Equal pay for every one! Even those who are rigorously opposed to working. All people deserve prosperity!

When they first heard about this, Democratic Presidential hopefuls Bernie Sanders (VT) and Elizabeth Warren (MA) reportedly got equal-sized hard-ons within a matter of seconds.

Senators Kamala Harris (CA) and Cory Booker (NJ) were unavailable for comment. Both are reportedly on their way to Disneyland where another Colin Kaepernick-sanctioned "Toon Town Smackdown" is scheduled to take place.

Check back later for video.

All hail the most magnificent peezy28!
All due respeck to SK and peezy, but Nu'Trelle have a whole different take on this unfortunate incident. Lotsa people probably would guess that these were "bad people" or maybe a fambly that "sucked down 5 or 6 intire bottles of MD-20/20 fore they come into the park". But Nu'Trelle would doubt that. It's obvious to him that these were church goin, God-fearin people who was just tryin to have a goot time when they spotted some Disney patrons wearin some of those black market $2,500 Betsy Ross Nike's which then caused them to have innocent flashbacks about hundreds of year worth of oppression which Colin Kaepernick been talkin about. What then ensued? They did the only thing they could do. They started tryin to beat the chit outta each other. They didn't get very far. But what the hell, at least they gave it their best shot. Nomsayin?

This is 2019 and a dawning of a new age, folks. Disney should give each fambly member a "Premium Lifetime Pass", plus allow each of them to "carry" whenever they come back. Other guests can then be advised to "Enter at your own risk." Disney should provide free health care to one and all -- even those who entered the park illegally and/or can't pass a breathalizer test.

It's high time for America to get things right!

If not for the overarching racial overtones and stereotypes in this message it might have actually of been funny.
Today I learned that the US Women's Soccer team.... (led by national anthem kneel'er Megan Rapinoe) is wanting equal compensation for what the US men's soccer team makes. What I found interesting about this was that the US women's team was beaten in 2017, 5-2 by a Dallas, TX U-15 boys soccer team, they also met defeat several years back when they played the U-17 boys team losing 8-2. Since this metoo thing seems to be catching on in almost every facet of American life...............If the women are now wanting equal compensation after their win at the world cup, what about the young boys they play that seem to consistently beat the US women's team arse.......shouldn't they be entitled to a compensation package as well?
Go Canes Go!

I don't think equal pay is accurate or warranted... If they however asked for equal revenue share for what they generate then I would say that is a fair request. The men currently get about about 35 ot 40% while the women get like 5 or 10..

They are great on the world scale (womens) but yeah... no match in a mens (or boys game) game as the results prove.
SK is a firm believer, and always supported equal pay for equal work based on Market Values.

Just heard on ESPN, regarding funding sources: The MEN'S game brings in $6 BILLION, The WOMAN'S, $140 MILLION (The men get about 7% and the women about 20%, so actually a higher percentage).

It's still supply and demand of market share. The WNBA understands it; they are slowly working up filling more seats, selling more jerseys.

Snoop Dog said give 'em $500,000 - from where? Wonder how many free concerts Snoop's played at woman's soccer league matches. They still need to sell tickets.

This is a debate we only have every four years (Why they have to do such shocking things like pull off a jersey to keep their 15-minutes of fame out there as long as they can stretch it), but in a few weeks those who call for equal pay, but don't know why the pay system is different, likely won't be going to women's games in any greater numbers than the last three times the US Team won it all.

Also, mens game the US Team are late comers to - the world has played soccer forever, and we're catching up. Most of the world, its their primary sport, in America its third down the list.

The woman's game has the advantage of the best athletes, America is the most polished team, and many other cultures are just getting around to letting the girls play. We should dominate. Thank Title IX for that.
Just heard on ESPN, regarding funding sources: The MEN'S game brings in $6 BILLION, The WOMAN'S, $140 MILLION (The men get about 7% and the women about 20%, so actually a higher percentage).

Thanks for that, I did not realize they got a higher rev share... In that sense it all makes sense and of course they do not generate the revenue to pay anywhere near the mends scale

It's still supply and demand of market share. The WNBA understands it; they are slowly working up filling more seats, selling more jerseys.

WNBA I imagine are in just as bad a shape if not worse. The NBA actually supports them and they would probably not be able to operate with out the funs from the NBA. I am not a fan of the brand of ball but I have gone to about 2 WNBA games in my life time and I would say I was one of less than a 1000 people in a super huge arena... I mean to be quite honest I have seen better draws at the JV games before the Varsity plays in high school. IF you ever watched one of their games on TV you will notice they pan away from the crowd UNLESS it is a highly attended game.

There will never be an equal pay simply because they do not generate the dollars to pay that much unfortunately.

Agree with everything else you said.
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If not for the overarching racial overtones and stereotypes in this message it might have actually of been funny.
Peezy, you're certainly entitled to your own opinion, but if my post contained "racial overtones" or "stereotyping" that you consider not funny, then you certainly wouldn't find any humor on Saturday Night Live when Keenan Thompson hosts "Black Jeopardy" and you'd probably be well-advised to skip any SNL segment which features Leslie Jones, the incredibly talented comedienne who has won the hearts of millions by delivering the perfect portrayal of the "loud and obnoxious, over-the-top black woman."
Look at all the failed Football Leagues in a football crazy country - with loads of talent, even this last NFL feeder league, and they still didn't make it.
This board has a lot of traffic too. The National Board. I haven't posted anywhere lately, but I'll post on all three when the season starts. If you want heated off topic debate, go to the national board's spot for that. Lots of vitriol. Canes even shows up. He's Los, Carlos Danger, don't know his latest monicker. He gets banned a lot. Still the same immature, unstable asshole who is too smart for the room.
This board has a lot of traffic too. The National Board. I haven't posted anywhere lately, but I'll post on all three when the season starts. If you want heated off topic debate, go to the national board's spot for that. Lots of vitriol. Canes even shows up. He's Los, Carlos Danger, don't know his latest monicker. He gets banned a lot. Still the same immature, unstable asshole who is too smart for the room.

Too smart? Ha

More like too delusional
Peezy, you're certainly entitled to your own opinion, but if my post contained "racial overtones" or "stereotyping" that you consider not funny, then you certainly wouldn't find any humor on Saturday Night Live when Keenan Thompson hosts "Black Jeopardy" and you'd probably be well-advised to skip any SNL segment which features Leslie Jones, the incredibly talented comedienne who has won the hearts of millions by delivering the perfect portrayal of the "loud and obnoxious, over-the-top black woman."

Your right I am entitled to my opinion and you are entitled to freedom of speech. Had more to save but best to leave it at that.
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This board has a lot of traffic too. The National Board. I haven't posted anywhere lately, but I'll post on all three when the season starts. If you want heated off topic debate, go to the national board's spot for that. Lots of vitriol. Canes even shows up. He's Los, Carlos Danger, don't know his latest monicker. He gets banned a lot. Still the same immature, unstable asshole who is too smart for the room.


I recently (last week) signed up for this board and I made the dumb mistake of using my main email address and a password that I have used elsewhere... Within 2 hours of signing up someone had hacked that account and used that username and password to change information on my HD account and attempt to order some stuff that cost $800. The crazy part is they put a credit card on there and 3 different addresses. They only used my name not my card or anything. Totally weird but fraudulent non the less. Oh and you can't delete your account either I figured there was no "email yahoo and make them do it" like our fellow poster here LOL.

Anywho stay away from that board unless you want your identity stolen (or just use a better username and password).[/quote]
That board ain't too bad if you ignore a few morons like redzone and canes

Most the posters there give something to the discussions more times than not

I will pass.. whoever runs it is pretty unethical by evidence of me being hacked.
Been on there since day 1 and haven't been hacked. It was the successor to the Dallas Jackson national board.
Been on there since day 1 and haven't been hacked. It was the successor to the Dallas Jackson national board.

Yeah well I DID so I wont be participating. I'll text you a screenshot of the crazy isht that happened. OH and my email all of a sudden got hit with crazy spam stuff same day. Coincidence I think not.
Yeah well I DID so I wont be participating. I'll text you a screenshot of the crazy isht that happened. OH and my email all of a sudden got hit with crazy spam stuff same day. Coincidence I think not.
So far no issues outside of the "HATE" spewed on the OFF TOPIC side of the board. It's the wild, wild west of insults, name calling (guilty as charged), put downs, and Fake news. A lot of fake news. Take care of those girls Peezy. A young daddy has more important things to worry about.
So far no issues outside of the "HATE" spewed on the OFF TOPIC side of the board. It's the wild, wild west of insults, name calling (guilty as charged), put downs, and Fake news. A lot of fake news. Take care of those girls Peezy. A young daddy has more important things to worry about.

Also since I am not posting on that board and I probably could not even remember the password I switched it to which was basically a message to the shitbird hackers could you or Joe post these addresses out there and say "whoever is attached to these address you have been reported to the FBI, U.S Secret Service, and the Internet Crime Complaint Center for Computer Hacking and Fraud because you tried to hack Peezy's account and he does not mess around"

DEBARY, FL, 32713 US



They also put a credit card on file on the account in which I am assuming is a prepaid. Most people think those are safe for fraud purposes but they also leave a trail one in which I know how to trace from shall I say "occupations I held in a previous life" I don't mess around with this fraud stuff I am going after them.

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