Smithers steps down at Sarasota Riverview after 8 seasons


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2003
The program has developed some nice talent the last few years, only to see that talent ultimately transfer out. Venice figures heavily with transfers from Riverview, but most recently Booker hs has been on the receiving end of Riverview talent. Wondering if the battles off the football field, compounded by the coaching pay if it all became too much of a drain?
I think it was time for him to step down. He did a great job over the years and is great mentor and role model, but this year was probably his worst year. It was a combination of players leaving and playing a tough schedule that made this year his worst year by far. Beating Booker was the only thing to hang their hat on this year. North Port coach also stepped down but that's no surprise.
The Rams named their new head football coach earlier this week. I love it because he has been the Strength & Conditioning Coach for the football and baseball team since 2017. Physicality should be a definite emphasis for his players.

The biggest issue or concern is whether Riverview will be able to get the kids from Newtown. Just being completely honest, if RHS doesn't get any of the Newtown kids, they will not be competitive. Booker's biggest accomplishment was getting all the Newtown kids. The talent alone from that neighborhood will win games, even if the coaching is below average. With Marvin Harris leaving the coaching staff, I think RHS will have a tough time being competitive this upcoming year.
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The biggest issue or concern is whether Riverview will be able to get the kids from Newtown. Just being completely honest, if RHS doesn't get any of the Newtown kids, they will not be competitive. Booker's biggest accomplishment was getting all the Newtown kids. The talent alone from that neighborhood will games, even if the coaching is below average. With Marvin Harris leaving the coaching staff, I think RHS will have a tough time being competitive this upcoming year.
Dont forget about the emerging power house program out on 4171 Fruitville Rd, to say nothing of what Peacock does on a annual basis in plucking some of the very best talent from Sarasota County.
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Dont forget about the emerging power house program out on 4171 Fruitville Rd, to say nothing of what Peacock does on a annual basis in plucking some of the very best talent from Sarasota County.
Very true. Venice and Cardinal Mooney do a great job at recruiting. It's only so many top athletes to go around so once Venice and Mooney get their share and Booker gets what's left, its very little left for Sarasota and Riverview.
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Booker’s revolving door of coaches for about 15 years has kept their program in disarray. Coach Littles has been able to convince a good number of players to attend Booker. Once again proves that a charismatic coach can attract players. He is off to a little bit of a rocky start but the results on the field has certainly proved promising.

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