OT: What's Your Vote on Amendment 2? Will It Affect High School Sports?


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Gold Member
Oct 31, 2003
The reason I ask is members of my family in the medical profession say that everyone will have access to marijuana. That's not what I read in the amendment. If family members gain access, this could require mandatory testing for high school athletes.

I tried to discuss pros and cons but my family member was strictly against it. I voted no because I found several website stating that medical marijuana is already available. Also, you can't stop the elderly from driving when they shouldn't. And, I learned during my pre op appointment that alcoholism is a real problem with the elderly in this community. Having them medicated, drunk, and high on the road is extremely scary!

Your thoughts?
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it sould be legal anyways. it was only made illegal to be able to arrest blacks easier. that is wrong all to it sel. .i cant believe how that is even factual from the get go.
a politically racial greedy law. that's wrong. medical marijuana. that's a load of crap.
What was available during the 15 years my late wife battled breast cancer and went through three or four courses of chemo, was Marinol (a pill form, perhaps synthetic) - it sucked. Regular marijuana however took her nausea away in a puff or two. I don't need medical experts to tell me that, I witnessed it. I'm voting yes, not because I want to run and tell a doctor my aches and pains require it, but because I saw the relief it provided my wife who was the toughest damn human I've met on this planet - I tell my boys if I get it, I'm out - no way I could do what she did. But she promised me the day she was diagnosed, she'd fight and live to see them graduate high school, and by God she made it by two months.

The people of the state of Florida voted 57% last time for it, think it needed 60% - the crooked ass governor didn't get that much of the vote: we got the wrong dope.
Wish I had asked the question before I voted. I think you would've changed my mind.

I was very surprised that my family members were not more compassionate. Both my parents suffered a long time before their deaths and marijuana may have helped.
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it sould be legal anyways. it was only made illegal to be able to arrest blacks easier. that is wrong all to it sel. .i cant believe how that is even factual from the get go.

a politically racial greedy law. that's wrong. medical marijuana. that's a load of crap.

Really? OK.

Anyway, it should be legalized--first and foremost, because of situations like SK outlined. Secondly, because you're not creating a new generation of weed smokers, you're creating a money-making bonanza. Those who would smoke it are already doing it, but we can benefit by taxing the heck out of it. In 2015, the state of Colorado recorded $996 million in marijuana sales, and their tax revenue was $135 million. What could the state of Florida do with that kind of surplus?

For the record, regarding taxing things that are currently illegal, the state could also make a lot of money by legalizing and taxing prostitution, but that's another discussion for another day.
Legalize it for people in medical need AND for people over...25!

We have enough lazy, worthless millennials taking up space as it is. We don't need them legally stoned also. It should be like renting a car.
What about how it will affect testing of high school athletes? Smoking marijuana will lead to the same health issues as smoking cigarettes. I don't want to be exposed to the smoke from either. You watch both parents die from smoking and you avoid the smoke as much as possible.

But, buying it in food form exposes it to anyone else in the home. Kids go into the medicine cabinet and get their parents RXs for recreational use. Whats to say they won't do the same with medical marijuana?
In regard to second hand smoke, that's a valid concern. Why not subject it to the same regulations as cigarettes--only being allowed in certain areas? With the caveat that 181 laid out, to make it for 25+.
The only problem I have with the SIGNED GOVERNMENT LEGISLATION that is currently on the books if somebody like myself cannot go to a doctor and get a prescription. Why? Because the doctors are not PUBLICIZED!!!! Now tell me how is that legislation doing its job? Keeping it hidden from patients that need it. I've been on opiods since October 2013 and I hate them passionately. Where is the fairness?

I'm voting the other way because the current law if flawed big time!!! Governor Scott and Florida Legislation did not help people who actually need it...
Let me ask everybody this why does the Federal Government own a Patent on cannabis? How can the government own a patent on something that is illegal and supposedly so harmful for you? Oh wait let add this the patent they own is for Neurological reasons!!!!!!!
What about how it will affect testing of high school athletes? Smoking marijuana will lead to the same health issues as smoking cigarettes. I don't want to be exposed to the smoke from either. You watch both parents die from smoking and you avoid the smoke as much as possible.

But, buying it in food form exposes it to anyone else in the home. Kids go into the medicine cabinet and get their parents RXs for recreational use. Whats to say they won't do the same with medical marijuana?

Choctaw... the kids are already smoking it... We (Clearwater) just lost our 4 star UF commit (former UF commit) RB because he got caught with weed twice.... Yeah what an idiot... We know they do it and preach to them why they shouldn't...

If weed is legal then it will be just like Alcohol... You have to be over a certain age (21 or 25) to buy it legally. The ones who would smoke it as teens will still get it the way they use to illegally.
Portugal legalized EVERYTHING, cocaine, marijuana, EVERYTHING some time ago. Guess what? The use of drugs were cut down 75%!!!!! Do you know why people do drugs? Because its illegal. Our sinful nature does not like laws and its contrary to laws, mainly God's laws. Portugal proved that point, legalize and people will not mess with it anymore. Research it for yourself.

Yes we need laws and policies but there are many laws and policies that are uncalled for.
I've been on opiods since October 2013 and I hate them passionately. Where is the fairness?

That's why its being fought against - doctors have no issues jacking up the nation on opioids because they're getting a taste of the action fro the drug companies. Just like cancer, they can't cure that, it would screw up the cash flow.
My situation is different like everybodies SK. There is no surgery for my condition at the moment so pain meds were MY CHOICE NOT THE DOCTORS. i was on 4 oxycodone a day and they switched me to both types of MORPHINE. There is instant relief and extended relief. I refused this and requested only only extended relief type and to give me tramadol which is a weak synthetic. So I was on extended relief since December last year. About two weeks ago I've had enough and start to wean myself off of them. Just tired of everything, pain, everything, but I know I'm in Gods hands. Currently I only take one Morphine every 1-2 days.

I am not ashamed to tell people my business about this. I want them to know. Maybe it could help them. I can easily say I know what pain is and what it feels like. It's part of my life but God is bigger than my pain and whenever I'm on the floor praying there is one thing for certain I do not have any pain whatsoever ever. He gives peace and He knows when I need it the most. What I have experienced has changed my life actually for the best and has changed me a lot in the past few years.
I understand. But I know some people who have been hooked on opioids for 20 years because of chronic pain - still functional in jobs. They couldn't get off them if they wanted to. Another old friend, may he RIP, was a recreational user and a Doctor shopper for 20 years before he died. Never had a problem getting all he wanted, and it finally got him.

NPR had a story on this a week or so ago, meaning it has gotten even worse - it was about a small city whose morgue had something like 200 opioid overdoses in the last few months. Gotten worse since this quote from the CDC two years ago:

More people died from drug overdoses in 2014 than in any year on record... The majority of drug overdose deaths (more than six out of ten) involve an opioid. And since 1999, the number of overdose deaths involving opioids nearly quadrupled...From 2000 to 2014 nearly half a million people died from drug overdoses. 78 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose."

Doctors prescribe this stuff, why our governor who was in the medical business didn't want to do a prescription data base, remember that?
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I dont know what the answer is i do see a lot of pros and cons, While i would hate to see my grandson use it when he grows up i would also hate to see my loved ones die a painful death when there is something that may help them have a better quality of life. As a current Leukemia patient and survivor i would like to know that later in life, if it comes to that point there my be something that could help me. To be totally honest keeping kids away from stuff like this starts at home you have to preach it every day that this is a bad habit to start. Just so everyone wont think bad of me i have only smoked pot one time in my life and that was over 40 years ago when i was a teenager and i did not care for it. It made me paranoid and i threw up for hours. Even if i needed it later in life i may be to apprehensive to give it a try again. Just my thoughts
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I tried it and didn't like it either (when it was legal). Others in my family were users for many years. Thank goodness they never went to jail for it.

I had to put that on my security clearance paperwork every ten years. That's another issue. How many jobs do drug testing now? Don't want to miss out on a great job because of this.
Choctaw i agree with you, it's not for me but i do see where it may benefit others with PTSD or other things i would hate to stand in the way of someone else getting some relief. But for this thing to really work it will have to approved at the Federal level so growers and dispensers have access to banking with out it, It will create another stream or revenue for criminals to exploit and will probably cause a few homicides and numerous robbery's trying to steal all that cash.
I dont know what the answer is i do see a lot of pros and cons, While i would hate to see my grandson use it when he grows up i would also hate to see my loved ones die a painful death when there is something that may help them have a better quality of life. As a current Leukemia patient and survivor i would like to know that later in life, if it comes to that point there my be something that could help me. To be totally honest keeping kids away from stuff like this starts at home you have to preach it every day that this is a bad habit to start. Just so everyone wont think bad of me i have only smoked pot one time in my life and that was over 40 years ago when i was a teenager and i did not care for it. It made me paranoid and i threw up for hours. Even if i needed it later in life i may be to apprehensive to give it a try again. Just my thoughts
I agree with you it starts in the home. I am not opposed to this idea as I have seen people suffer as well but I am not sure this makes it easier for kids to get ahold of actually its much easier for them to "know" someone who sells it and just call them up to get it.

I like have rarely even smoked weed... Just a few times while I was in college. It never took for me and I never really saw why my peers were so enamoured with it but that was just my experience so it was not something I frequented.
So what will it cost for all the enforcement? I still have my federal secret clearance. Can I get a job with the state if it passes? Retailers won't be able to bribe me with some product because I don't want it.

I agree it needs to be approved at the federal level. Sounds like many more states have it on the ballot this year. Thank you Mrs. Reagan for making it illegal!
Another thing I thought about was that this is a constitutional amendment to the state's constitution, which I think is too easy to amend and has too many stupid amendments, including one that pertains to pigs. Amend the constitution, then it becomes a "right" and the next thing you know is some judge is going to rule that everyone has a "right" to medical marijuana and the state will not be able regulate how it is sold, dispensed, or who needs it for medical purposes.
I live out in a place called Montrose, CO now kinda SW corner of Colorado. I'm all for the sale and taxation of it!

I personally don't smoke it and don't have any want to smoke it but my city originally voted no sales of it when CO legalized it in city limits and therefore didn't receive any funds. After they saw the amount of tax revenue the next vote on it, they allowed sales of it in the city. We're now in the process of remodeling an older school in the city as well as there almost done building a massive new rec center for the community with the help of funding from pot sales taxes.

The crime hasn't risen, no more or less relevant change in DUIs, no rise in domestic violence. Just another way for people to catch a buzz that provided a lot of welcomed money back into our community. I smoked it back when I was younger and I was a lot more aware of myself and did less damage to myself high then whenever I was drunk. If I were back in Vero I'd absolutely vote yes, and as I said it's been at least 10+ years since I smoked and I don't ever plan on doing it again either.
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Rocky Mountain High Trelle! I've been on random drug testing since 1985, then the Coast Guard makes me pee in a jar about every year.

I'm with Morgan & Morgan on dis one:
In Colorado (and other states where it is legal), can employers still do drug tests? If you are positive for marijuana, can you lose your job despite it being legal?
I think it is treated like Alcohol... depending on the job you do (lets say your a physician or government employee) they can have their own rules.

I know one state that Marijuana is not legal but none of the big companies test for it (or cocaine for that) for fear they'd have to fire the entire company... NNNEEEWWW YORK!
Yep if a company has a policy of no pot use and you get tested for it and fail you can be fired.

I for one work for Schlumberger an oil company and travel globally for them and drive company vehicles some that are regulated by the DOT and have to take yearly on top of random drug testing. If I fail a test instant termination for me, and I'm based out of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska another pot friendly state so I literally work and live in 2 legal states and can still be fired for it.
What was available during the 15 years my late wife battled breast cancer and went through three or four courses of chemo, was Marinol (a pill form, perhaps synthetic) - it sucked. Regular marijuana however took her nausea away in a puff or two. I don't need medical experts to tell me that, I witnessed it. I'm voting yes, not because I want to run and tell a doctor my aches and pains require it, but because I saw the relief it provided my wife who was the toughest damn human I've met on this planet - I tell my boys if I get it, I'm out - no way I could do what she did. But she promised me the day she was diagnosed, she'd fight and live to see them graduate high school, and by God she made it by two months.

The people of the state of Florida voted 57% last time for it, think it needed 60% - the crooked ass governor didn't get that much of the vote: we got the wrong dope.
well said and sorry for ya loss
I have epilepsy, probably from football -- I've talked to my doc about it but my meds work so I don't need it. Some do. He told me about many of his patients, mostly kids, who have multiple seizures per day even with medication. It has helped many.
Look up Leveteracetam - it's what I used to take. Look at the side effects. I switched to an autism medication that just so happens to treat seizures and is a mood stabilizer. Pills are not good period. They have to monitor my liver, etc... rethink your position if you are against it.
Thanks ratonto - she was a great football mom, gave three kids to the Tarpon program. Pipe, I've heard that a lot about epilepsy, glad your meds are working.

My county, Charlotte, preempted the passing, they put a six month moratorium until they can figure out how to regulate it.

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