OSU Football Coach Mike Gundy Gets Cancelled and the Reason Will Blow Your Mind

Absolutely unthinkable. A football coach with the audacity to wear an OAN t-shirt to go bass fishing. I'm glad the players spotted this and voiced their outrage. This is the perfect example of type of SOCIAL INSENSITIVITY that we can no longer tolerate in this country.

If there's a shred of justice left in America, protestors from all 4 corners of the U.S. should swarm to Oklahoma State, prevent students from attending classes, and demand the resignation of the entire OK State coaching staff.

Then after the take-over, it's only fair that protestors should be able to burn every building on campus to the ground so that our children don't have to be reminded of the horrific injustices that were once permitted to take place there.

To make sure everyone understands once and for all that all forms of social insensitivity are racist, all statues in Oklahoma should be destroyed, all libraries should be burned to the ground, all copies of the movie classic "Oklahoma" should be mutilated and, finally, it should be mandated that the name of the state be changed within the next 48 hours.

P.S. Wonder what Mike Gundy would have said if he had a set of balls?