Message for Urban Meyer

I was thinking the same thing! If he doesn't quit, God might decide time is up for good. His health has been bad for several years.
Ohio State didn't play a perfect game today against Michigan, but they were much, much better prepared than in previous weeks, played their best game of the season and dominated a very good Wolverine team.

Urban Meyer and his coaching staff somehow figured out how to keep their players focused. Today you could have listed all the egregious errors on one sheet of notebook paper. Last week against Maryland, you could have filled up an entire legal pad.

There were Ohio State players on the field last week who were merely going through the motions, essentially playing the game with their heads stuck straight up their ass. Stupid penalties. Mindless blown assignments. Guys who were caught so far out of position they weren't even in the right zip code. Mistakes that decent second year Pop Warner players wouldn't have committed.

Worse yet was what took place in the preseason, plus, during the debacle in West Lafayette (Purdue) a month ago, there were a handful of Buckeye defensive players who just plain laid down and quit in the fourth quarter.

Yeah, I'll admit it. As an OSU alum who cares deeply about the University, it's been hard to watch what $7,600,000 will buy in today's marketplace.
I didn't get to see the game. I was putting Christmas lights after watching Florida beat FSU. But, I always love it when an overrated B10 team loses and when it's Harbaugh's team, even better. So is Ohio State in the playoffs now?
One thing became very obvious: What one conference calls a "Dominating Defense" isn't what other conferences call it.

SK said the first week of the season that he never saw Harbaugh's team ending up in the Top 4, unless he could beat his rival. He is a good coach, but just can't get over the hump.
I didn't get to see the game. I was putting Christmas lights after watching Florida beat FSU. But, I always love it when an overrated B10 team loses and when it's Harbaugh's team, even better. So is Ohio State in the playoffs now?

#8 Washington State lost and #4 Michigan lost so the system will move Ohio State up, drop Michigan to 8 and leave UCF at 9. Gotta keep UCF out of the playoffs at all cost. Florida is too high at #11. They don't deserve a New Year's 6 bowl after losing to Missouri.
I agree Florida had two stupid losses. They could have been a one-loss team. UCF got up to 7. Wish it were higher. They deserve it! Hope Milton's injury is not as bad as expected. I have not seen anything so far.
A level best attempt to solve the riddle of Urban Meyer:

(Preface: All coach and player press interviews at OSU are controlled by a staff member of the Sports Information Department. Reporters, when called upon, are allowed one question. Rarely are follow-up questions permitted. All conferences conclude at the moderator's discretion.)

This was the first question posed to Meyer after OSU's 62-39 victory over Michigan. It was a question that hundreds of thousands of college football fans (both pro and anti-OSU fans alike) have had on their mind all season long.

Reporter: "With all due respect, where has this team been for the last two months? I know some of the wins have been frustrating."

(Interjection: The reporter shouldn't have mentioned the word "wins". He should have used "team's efforts". That's obviously what he meant, but he had no opportunity to correct himself.)

Urban: "Well ... we had 688 (yards) against Maryland ... A win may be frustrating for you or someone else ... (but) a win is never frustrating for us. So ... there a lot of good
football players out there, a lot of great programs and winning games is hard ... so that's disrespectful to other people who are trying to win games. I see former players out here (in the press room) that says ... it is really hard to win a college football game. So all due respect, Austin, there is never a bad win. There's never a ... some may say 'Why didn't you run or throw it more?' or 'You missed a tackle'. That's okay. You win that game ... and our guys obviously showed up today and won."

Urban knew what the guy was asking and his answer was pure, unadulterated BS. Urban served up a knuckleball. If Urban quits football, he should run for office.

Here's the true reason Ohio State - despite having a Heisman-caliber Soph QB who is a great decision-maker with a howitzer for an arm and a world-class corps of receivers - has mysteriously struggled against most opponents, some of which did not even become bowl eligible (e.g., Maryland).

Ohio State's struggles have been centered on one basic problem. But it's a big one. And it's one that Urban Meyer - great as his resume may be - will never be man enough to address.

Urban refuses to bench stupid players. Even a morbidly stupid player can prosper at Ohio State. If your son is a 5 star athlete who lacks the mental acuity to tie his shoes or safely cross the street, you need to somehow deliver him to Urban Meyer. Urban will see to it that he survives the dumbest of mistake and probably prosper. If Urban loves him, stupidity doesn't matter.

Repeated mistakes, you ask? Mistakes that can cripple a team at critical junctures? Yep. Yep. And double yep. Urban is your man. Gross stupidity doesn't really have any effect on playing time at Ohio State.

Need a couple of examples? OSU RB finally manages to break off a huge run. First down in the red zone. Time to celebrate. Nope. Flag on the ground at the line of scrimmage. Illegal procedure. O-lineman jumped the snap count. Maybe an OL on the off-side of the play. Unbelievably, maybe a guy with multiple infractions that same day.

Another? Third and 20. Opposing QB drops back and heaves a prayer down the right sideline. Incomplete. 3 and out. Time to celebrate, right. Nope flag 25 yards downfield, left sideline. Replay clearly shows OSU DB with a handful of jersey pulling a receiver to the ground. Ball landed 50 yards away. That same DB may have been flagged 2 or 3 previous times that same day.

Personal message for Urban Meyer: I've never met you. Maybe you're a decent guy in life, but you're a total bullshitter as a football coach and sadly, not even a good one.

TV covers everything, Urban. You can't hide from it. Replay after replay has proven conclusively that many of your players either don't have a clue as to how to handle their area of responsibility or just don't have the personal discipline to carry out their assignment.

And it's not subtle. It's glaring.

When reporters asked for your one word comment on your team's defensive effort against Maryland, your answer was "Alarming."

The right answer for any person who ever played organized football at ANY level and took pride in their play would have been "Pathetic".
What Uban do to you? Half schools in florida take him as a coach. Can't judge him going against that Mich coach, he a fraud, he only manage 2 wins againt Mich St and O-fer against OSU in 8 tries. Both of em may be gone next year.

Like you say, heard it here first
Neutral, myself andz SilverKingz were riding on i75 heading south a few monthz ago. I was driving, SilverKing was front passenger and myz Boi Neutrals, well he was in da back seats. We were thumping to Journey when Iooks in that back mirrow and I sees these red and bluez lights flashing. I lookz down and saw I hadz my foot a little to hardz on that accelerator. The brown suit walkz up next to my door and sayz "I’m in a hurry as I be late for a date, but I will makez a deal wif you all." I askz the brown suit, who i mustz say looked really great wif da tights he had on, he almost looked finger licken goodz. My Boi Neutral noticed me and frowned upon mez lookin at the brown suit in tightz. Da brown suit says "Look Ima in a hurries so I will makez you a deal if you fellaz can cumz up with 11" between the three of youz I will letz you go". I lookz over at SilverKing and he sayz "I’m game", so we both turnzto my Boi Neutral who was sweating and a little nervous. After aboutz 2 minutez my Boiz Neutral cumz out wif sweat pouring downz hiz face and sayz "Okay Imma gamez". So I whipz out mine and da brown suit sayz "Dats 5’, SilverKing whipz out his monster and da brown suit sayz "datz 5 more", then we turnz to my Boi Neutral who whipz out his and da brown suit sayz "We have 11"!!! “We you fellaz can goez on you r way"..

So I steps on that happy pedal and offz we go. Ass we were heading backz on i75 South I sayz "Fellaz you has to be gladz I had my 5,", den SilverKing says " fellaz best be gladz I had Hi-ho, Silver ready to goes, and I hadz my 5,. My Boi Neutralz was stillz a sweating, salty as a fish in da sea, he says "Fellas you has to be very glad I hadz a hardz-on"!!!! Just anothe dayz in Da Life, with Da three Geriactric Gang!!! Butts I have to say if it was not foe my Boi Neutral I would have gotten dat ticket!!!
This board strays too much from


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Nu'Trelle no longer hosts a message board, but did so for 10-12 years. It was a fairly busy place, non-sports themed, but sometimes getting as many as 10,000+ page reads per day with sometimes as many as 500 or more people logged on at the same time.

The message board software we used only allowed one registered username per I.P. address which effectively defeated most users who wanted to post as what we called "sockpuppets".

Running the message board basically involved the same skill set as running a neighborhood tavern. Most people came in to have a couple cold ones, talk with friends and enjoy a good time, but, as is the case with any place that serves the general public, there were always a few people who had issues and they were spoiling for a fight every time they came through the door.

As the Moderator, Nu'Trelle tried to (1) maintain a good sense of humor and (2) resisted the urge to be overly heavy-handed. But certain stuff would not fly. Board rules (just a few of them) were posted in the board's header. First strike normally earned a user a 24 hour suspension. Second time was normally a week. Third violation was final. The users I.P. was permanently blocked. Only had a few of those (other than professional spammers).

Referring to another poster as a "homosexual" or talking about the length of the guy's penis was grounds for instant expulsion. It was Nu'Trelle's way of knocking the offender's teeth through the back of his head. Didn't matter if the guy was popping pain pills or not. Nomsayin?

But this is peezy's board and his mileage may vary.
Oh cum on Lover Boi! You know you likez that ride! I’m sure hez not dis guy, all those fake wimmens you claim, just dolls nuthin’ but dolls. Maybe you would likes to play ball, Reggie Jackson style?
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Dear HardeeWildcatFan/SammyYoMammy/NeutralsLoverboi and your 55 other names. Nu'Trelle not tryin to infringe on your drug-induced artistic integrity, but those heavy-duty back pills that you been poppin have truly F'ed up your brain. You need to get help, son, but one regular psychiatrist ain't gonna do you no good. YOU NEED TO GO TO VIENNA AND FIND A WHOLE DAMN TEAM OF UNIVERSITY LEVEL PSYCHIATRISTS WHO CAN WORK ON YOU ROUND THE CLOCK!

Your are the quirky onez here my Loverboi. Ifs youz tink I’m Hardee or Sammyz youz are nuttz! I canz promise youz this boi is your boi, you knowz who I am. See youz at da game cum Friday my boi. Oh wear dat “tiger” skinz Tback youz likez to wear at da gamez! Bringz your dollz or wimmenz or whatsever you callz dem. Justa makes sure to checks dat pressure in dem firsts.
Nu'Trelle no longer hosts a message board, but did so for 10-12 years. It was a fairly busy place, non-sports themed, but sometimes getting as many as 10,000+ page reads per day with sometimes as many as 500 or more people logged on at the same time.

The message board software we used only allowed one registered username per I.P. address which effectively defeated most users who wanted to post as what we called "sockpuppets".

Running the message board basically involved the same skill set as running a neighborhood tavern. Most people came in to have a couple cold ones, talk with friends and enjoy a good time, but, as is the case with any place that serves the general public, there were always a few people who had issues and they were spoiling for a fight every time they came through the door.

As the Moderator, Nu'Trelle tried to (1) maintain a good sense of humor and (2) resisted the urge to be overly heavy-handed. But certain stuff would not fly. Board rules (just a few of them) were posted in the board's header. First strike normally earned a user a 24 hour suspension. Second time was normally a week. Third violation was final. The users I.P. was permanently blocked. Only had a few of those (other than professional spammers).

Referring to another poster as a "homosexual" or talking about the length of the guy's penis was grounds for instant expulsion. It was Nu'Trelle's way of knocking the offender's teeth through the back of his head. Didn't matter if the guy was popping pain pills or not. Nomsayin?

But this is peezy's board and his mileage may vary.

Not my board... Its Yahoo's board... or David Lackfords Board... peezy just a poster like you.
You're the Moderator. I'm just a poster. But who cares. Definitely not the people poppin the real heavy duty chit :)

So my boi tinks he iz Sammy and HWF? Itz a "Family Affair" in yo’ ownz mind. Maybez mattel should revitalize Buffy’s Doll, so you canz call her your own! Den you canz have all da wimmen you wantz.
Neutral this is HWF I'm sure peezy can see my login IP to see if that's me. I say ban him....But I'm sure he is just giving Neutral a taste of his own medicine.... HardeeWildcatFan account has been deleted at my request but I'm sure I know who that is so just stop, too much info.....
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Neutral this is HWF I'm sure peezy can see my login IP to see if that's me. I say ban him....But I'm sure he is just giving Neutral a taste of his own medicine.... HardeeWildcatFan account has been deleted at my request but I'm sure I know who that is so just stop, too much info.....

Neutral this is HWF I'm sure peezy can see my login IP to see if that's me.
Welcome back HWF/BillybobJunior/et al. I can't speak for peezy, but it's entirely possible that he, as well as maybe a few others, are possibly getting a little worn out at this point in time. If you think it's kosher to refer to me or any other poster with whom you disagree as a homosexual, I can forgive your lack of respect.

As for the discussion of dick sizes, sex toys, blow-up dolls, etc, why not create a separate thread? This was a thread about Urban Meyer.

Most guys probably got a good laugh out of dick jokes, etc at one time or another. Problem is, ladies do visit this board on occasion and most of the men who come here probably outgrew that stage of their life by the age of 10 or 12.

But you and your crew do whatever you want.
One last thing before I get off. Neutral is the guy we called FUBAR in the military. He thinks his stuff, all his one page eassays he posts on here are good but nobody ever likes them except me, because I felt bad for him. Keep writing your essays Neutral you will get there one day, I'm sure somebody besides me will hit the like button as I won't be here. Enjoy!!!
Welcome back HWF/BillybobJunior/et al. I can't speak for peezy, but it's entirely possible that he, as well as maybe a few others, are possibly getting a little worn out at this point in time. If you think it's kosher to refer to me or any other poster with whom you disagree as a homosexual, I can forgive your lack of respect.

As for the discussion of dick sizes, sex toys, blow-up dolls, etc, why not create a separate thread? This was a thread about Urban Meyer.

Most guys probably got a good laugh out of dick jokes, etc at one time or another. Problem is, ladies do visit this board on occasion and most of the men who come here probably outgrew that stage of their life by the age of 10 or 12.

But you and your crew do whatever you want.

Keep thinking it was me professor only shows how ignorant you really are. Keep writing your boring essays that few folks told me they can't stand reading and just skips over your posts!!! Your a predator you prey on people and that's what you do.

You know Wavebb was so close to getting me to come back here and I'm glad I didn't budge. You sir are a piss poor excuse to be called a Human Being, you really are. You don't think your chit doesn't stink and you are better than others. Keep writing your essays maybe one day they will be funny.
Then thank you for 400 plus "likes".
Trust me you are most welcomed. Lol As for ladies on this board, I'm sure some are laughing right about now knowing the Great Neutral was punching those keys on his keyboard so hard a few of those fingers are in casts right about now..... My boi did a great job, and I've texted him to stop and he agreed.... Maybe you won't be so hard on a disabled veteran next time, because I can promise you, there are many of my Army Buddies who would love to get on here just to humiliate you. Until next time, which will never happen again, Later Gators, this cracka goin' fishin'!!!
You're the Moderator. I'm just a poster. But who cares. Definitely not the people poppin the real heavy duty chit :)

By moderator you mean person who deletes spam posts... You can have that title if you like it means nothing to me nor does keeping you folk in line... Don't have the time or energy to do all that unless it gets really bad... I sometimes go days or a week without checking the board. LOL.
Neutral this is HWF I'm sure peezy can see my login IP to see if that's me. I say ban him....But I'm sure he is just giving Neutral a taste of his own medicine.... HardeeWildcatFan account has been deleted at my request but I'm sure I know who that is so just stop, too much info.....

I can confirm that Neutrals Loverboy is indeed NOT HWF... Who he is you will not guess honestly It surprised me when I looked so I am going to see how far he will go with this or wait to see if you figure it out LOL.

HWF Give me your guess who it is and if right I will reveal it.

Please note, the 1st time I checked into it was today... You can always "report" the problem those come to my email I will act swifter on those.
One last thing before I get off. Neutral is the guy we called FUBAR in the military. He thinks his stuff, all his one page eassays he posts on here are good but nobody ever likes them except me, because I felt bad for him. Keep writing your essays Neutral you will get there one day, I'm sure somebody besides me will hit the like button as I won't be here. Enjoy!!!

If ever I read the long posts and I find it funny I will like them... I just read about 1 in 20 sooo.
Final HWF Post - Take #99
Neutral this is HWF I'm sure peezy can see my login IP to see if that's me...
Final HWF Post - Take #100
You know Wavebb was so close to getting me to come back here and I'm glad I didn't budge.
Final HWF Post - Take #101
Until next time, which will never happen again, Later Gators, this cracka goin' fishin'!!!
* * * * * * * * *
Folks, Nu'Trelle cain't take one bit of credit.
Chit this funny cannot be made up. :) :) :)
When i see this thread and realize its probably just one person doing all this for the most part, this song comes immediately to mind

Go Canes Go
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