

New Member
Oct 19, 2004
listening to a game and a ref threw a happy flag for illegal player down field on a run play!!!!!! The HC argued how can u have an illegal player down field on a run?
I don't know of any instance where a player can be illegally downfield on a running play. Are you sure that was the penalty that was called? Also, what is a happy flag?
Yes it was called. The Ref did his motion on what the flag was then the HC argued the same thing. You know what a happy flag is, refs just throw them because they have to to get their quotas in for the night....They are called happy flags...

I quit listening at the half so I don't know how many more happy flags were thrown that were crazy. I was listening to the radio and the radio guys were laughing about it and scratching their heads. The HC got it overturned BTW but the flag shouldn't have been thrown on a run...Kinda reminds me back in 2005, I think, we went to Pt Charlotte, and during that game one of our defensive lineman caught an interception and he gets flagged for illegal touch of the ball!!!! I never heard such a thing but they gave the ball back to the offense. Funny stuff but true...
I have never heard of a happy flag, but I guess that is what it is. There is a quota of flags thrown for the night? I had no idea. It is like Affirmative Action for flags I suppose. Is there a government agency that monitors these happy flags, and demands a "flag balance for equality?"
listening to a game and a ref threw a happy flag for illegal player down field on a run play!!!!!! The HC argued how can u have an illegal player down field on a run?

"Let's paint some happy little flags over here, and some happy little flags over there."
Listening to a game and a ref threw a happy flag for illegal player down field on a run play!!!!!!
Are you sure that was the penalty that was called?
Folks, this thread right here is why you MUST visit here daily.

Where else someone gonna post about listening to a game on the radio an have another poster who an official come on an ax him a question about a flag which got throwed?

Toon in tomorrow when Jambun82 question Stevie Wonder on how he spotted a counterfeit $20.
"Let's paint some happy little flags over here, and some happy little flags over there."


"And if someone axes you why you put 'happy flags' in there, you don't have to tell them. It's your painting and, if you like happy flags, go right ahead. In fack, while we're at it, let's go ahead and put a few more in. There's a little one there ... and a little bit bigger one there. Put in as many as it takes to make you happy!"
:) :) :)
Silver King, as long as no contact is made, a case could be made for jumping over the snapper on a try. However, I don't think that many high school players have that kind of athletic ability, so that will be called a hurdling foul when it occurs.
Well, I watched a crew let it go twice last night and the guy stumbled both times obviously hitting something (ie contact, like with someone's shoulder pads) in his jump and stumbling on both occasions, no call. Earlier in the game with 6 seconds in the half, and a 50 yard FG try, the two defenders on our sideline jumped right in front of the side judge. Everyone in the stands saw it, coaches were screaming before the kid even kicked, again no call. I don;t think the guy was even looking at it.
Sadly, at least they were consistent. It is so irritating when they call it once but not the second time or vice versa!
Silver King, as far as roughing the snapper goes, if the snapper has snapped the ball, and is in a position to defend him/her self, then the protection that player is afforded on a scrimmage kick formation ends. That might have been what that official was ruling, again though hurdling is a foul that could be called in that situation.
Janbun, guess what? The crew we had last night called the penalty on the very same thing the first time we scored and that was the only time they tried it and they had 8 more TDs they coud have. Maybe Island Coast watched the film and decided to try it.
Happened with STAout there at Bishop Gorman during overtime play. Player landed on top of snapper/center and no flags.

I have a good one, how does an offensive lineman get called for clipping at the line of scrimmage during a run play? Never ever seen thstuntil last night. I could seen it if he was downfield but not at the LOS over the center.
How's Stanford doing Sammy? You need a program to figure out who is supposed to be hot in the Pac-10; but at least they're weeding out of the Top 10 at their usual early season pace. Another two weeks, you guys can start talking about water polo season.
Hardee Wildcat fan, the rule regarding clipping in the free-blocking zone has been changed for 2016. Clipping is now forbidden anywhere on the field. I have discussed this rule change already on this message board.
Silver King, I can't answer why that foul was not called the previous week.
Hardee Wildcat fan, the rule regarding clipping in the free-blocking zone has been changed for 2016. Clipping is now forbidden anywhere on the field. I have discussed this rule change already on this message board.

These dumb rules are killing this game. For 100 years it was fine but now it's not? Stupid!!!!!!
What do you want the rules committee to do? Ignore player safety so lawyers can litigate the game away, and everyone is playing flag football?
#65 was lined up in trips as the #2 rec and both him and the #1 rec were on line of scrimmage. I quietly and respectfully asked the ref how that was not an illegible rec downfield and he told me 1- he doesn't look at the rec #s and 2- he didn't think he was covered up, he was. And they threw the post to him, we defended it but still.
Bradentionian, which official did you ask this question to? The actual white hat? 65 is an ineligible number to move downfield to try to catch a pass.
Side judge, talked to White hat after game he said he would address it. But it was still kind of a crazy response!!
You had to have either talked to the line judge or linesman, was this a home or away game for you? Were the chains on your sideline?
As for the new rule,Officials in my area need a lesson in the difference between a clip and a block below the waist (which is still legal)
Bludog100, what specifically happened in a game for you to make that statement?
either cutting man on during a pop pass to TE or a 3 step drop pass, cutting back side--- officials calling clipping anytime you go low in the free blocking zone--- there is a difference between blocking below the waist and a clip --- the official don't seem to know that
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Yes, there is a difference. What you described to me reads like a block-below-the-waist, as long as the contact was to the front of the defensive player.

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