Happy Father's Day


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Oct 31, 2003
I'm assuming almost all of you are fathers. Enjoy this day with your family. There are only so many chances to do this. Have a great day!
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I wasn't talking about fathering a child. I was talking about spending time with him!

My dad died in 2009 and my boys are not close with their father. We all miss that relationship!
Yeah, I missed your ribbing. Is the renovation done? Did you add a guest house to the estate so I can rent it from you? The prices down here are killing me!
Yeah, I missed your ribbing. Is the renovation done? Did you add a guest house to the estate so I can rent it from you? The prices down here are killing me!
Choctaw = hen ( damsel in distress )
Neutral = fox (Snidely Whiplash )
We know how this story ends....
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Belated thanks Choc, just got back from sailing, we offer a Father's Day Cruise where a regular paying passenger can bring their father for 1/2 price.

Fortunate that my oldest son who used to crew aboard, got to come up with me. He snuck into the Captain's Qtrs the night before and had a funny Father's Day card and a damn good cigar on the table, waiting for me when I woke up. Couldn't smoke the cigar for two days as it was blowing 40 knots.
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Are you up in the Northeast now? Great place to sail.

Glad your son took care of you. Many fathers don't get that awesome treatment.
No just got back a couple days ago, I usually take most of June to give my partner a break after he fits the vessel out from April and May. come for a sail sometime.