

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2004
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Just had to steal this and the Jeb video and put it up on DJ's board under the political thread.
Liked him better as an independent, but enjoying watching him kick Hillary's ass - and women are voting for him more than her.
Liked him better as an independent, but enjoying watching him kick Hillary's ass - and women are voting for him more than her.
Well I was surprised he beat her in New Hampshire. Yes, they are saying she doesn't do well in that area and she will do better in the poor states. Well I'm no brain surgeon but isn't that who he is courting. The lower income and financially stressed families? Hillary better watch herself, Barry is playing the crazy dude and talking free medical and education and the new set of voters are taking the bait. I think people are tired of seeing the Clinton's calling in the lawyers so often, and it is no joke the Feds are going after her.
It is getting interesting, very interesting. Now if any half a brain liberal goes independent I'm thinking a republican will get elected.
Who's Barry?

Sanders is from Vermont. That explains his popularity in the area.

In Bartow, we understand that somebody has to pay for all the free stuff.
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Larry Culpepper is the early favorite for Poster of the Year in 2016. Post #11 in this thread, and those 5 truths should be taught and understood by every citizen in this great country that we are fortunate to live in.
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Just going to let y'all know... I know its the off season but we are not going to turn this into a political board. I don't see this getting out of hand with this crew but the leash is REALLY short for politics.
Just going to let y'all know... I know its the off season but we are not going to turn this into a political board. I don't see this getting out of hand with this crew but the leash is REALLY short for politics.
It started as a football post!

Larry is a morph. Isn't he Jambun?
No redfishron, Larry Culpepper and I are NOT the same person. I don't like the taste of Dr. Pepper at all. I did enjoy his points in this thread however.
I think the Slap manual states this about a Morph: "To be most effective, a Morph must be somewhat dissimilar to the persona of the host."

Now the other group of Morphers; the Semiserious posters, uses a different approach as their edit states: "Arguing with yourself in posts adds to the confusion and helps camouflage the true identity of the Morph."
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All the young people who are Bernie fans hear is "free stuff." They don't for a second consider where the money to pay for said stuff is going to come from.
In this day and age I don't think y'all give young folk enough credit. But I'm not a fan of any candidate on either platform. So the question is who is the lesser of all evils?
Unfortunately, that's usually the way I vote--who is the the least offensive/idiotic of them all?
I write-in or vote independent candidates instead of perpetuating the monopoly of the two party system. In my younger years I actually wrote-in Peter Camejo of the Socialist Workers Party, after seeing an interview with him on the Late Night with Tom Snyder. Now I wasn't a socialists and knew my one write-in vote in Kansas wasn't going to get him elected, but I wasn't "wasting" my vote on a bad candidate either. That was the 1980 election and rather than vote for the great character actor; Ronald Reagan, because I feared he'd just be reading someone else's script for what he was supposed to say (I'm convinced I was right), or Jimmy Carter who couldn't get us out of the Energy crisis and our hostages out of Iran, I wrote-in.
It's too early for a POY nomination. I don't have the time or the budget to maintain my campaign for the rest of the year. Is that one of the site watchdogs that said something about no more talk of politics during the off season? I'll just sit back and read all the other posters comments about politics. Sorry for the interference and being off topic.
... I don't see this getting out of hand with this crew but the leash is REALLY short for politics.

The democrats, republicans, independents, socialists, libertarians, tea baggers, poverty farmers all suck and they don't represent America. If you support them due to your own selfish, special interest goals, then you suck too.
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Larry, you have nothing to apologize for. I see political opinions posted on this message board all the time. Why all of a sudden it is a problem, I have no idea. I can't imagine anybody having a problem with what you posted, and those five truths. It is just common sense to me.
Larry, you have nothing to apologize for. I see political opinions posted on this message board all the time. Why all of a sudden it is a problem, I have no idea. I can't imagine anybody having a problem with what you posted, and those five truths. It is just common sense to me.

Y'all old folks either A can't comprehend or B are too sensitive... I never said don't post politics I said

"I know its the off season but we are not going to turn this into a political board"

I guess I wasn't clear... Politics are fine until it gets out of hand and getting out of held will have a short leash and by that I do not mean banning or giving anyone timeout simply your posts will start to get deleted if stuff gets out of hand.

I figured that would be a fair warning since it seems EVERY message board I have ever been on that has a lot of politics involved gets WWAAAYYY out of hand really fast. So I just wanted this board to not end up like that and It won't. This being an election year and all I can see barbs flying opinions being crossed and stuff getting out of hand as its the nature of the beast.

Was that clear enough?
According to the watchdog I am out of line talking tics and those truths are just the truth so they shouldn't fault me for telling it how it is. But they did.

Larry your a morph... a welcome morph.. But no one said your getting out of line.

I never knew morphs were sensitive creatures SHEESH!
P.S. "Old Folks" from me it is used as a term of wisdom, endearment, and respect to my older wiser brethren as I always use it with the fellas Dan Daytona, Markecannon, Darterblue2 and Wave and all of his morphs (The Golden guys).

Please I apologize for any "old folk" who were harmed by this message.
It's too early for a POY nomination. I don't have the time or the budget to maintain my campaign for the rest of the year. Is that one of the site watchdogs that said something about no more talk of politics during the off season? I'll just sit back and read all the other posters comments about politics. Sorry for the interference and being off topic.

There was no politics to begin with. It was a joke on Bama and their 16 Natties, with Bernie as the last clown out the freaking car! You're out of line because you jumped on the politico train instead of getting the joke.

You remind me of this dude I know that gets his panties all swampy anytime anyone does anything in any contrast to any of the horse apples he throws up. You get all puffy and bloated. Grow a set, Slappy, or learn the jokes.
Red that was my point. I wasn't saying don't do this or that or even that this was a political post I was just using this post to bring that up. It was funny to me. I wouldn't mind FSU getting one of those redistributed titles lol