Question for Peezy, regarding the Johnson and Johnson vaccine?


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2003
Curious what the Johnson and Johnson's approach to developing its vaccine was in as far as if it was different from the other developers. The only thing I've been able to zero in on so far is the possibility of a single dose. What I'm actually more curious about however, is Johnson and Johnson using a more traditional approach with the development of its vaccine or is it doing what the other developers have done utilizing genetic activators...(not sure if that's the proper term or not?)

Single Dose and a solution to the Cold chain issue which causes higher cost and the vaccine to lose effectiveness once out of extreme Temps.

The process (I have not really paid much attention to the other companies to he fair so can't say if it's different) was creating and combining multiple or all known strands of COVID 19. The individuals who were given the vaccine and not the placebo would be exposed to the "super strain" for trials. The mass production wad begun after testing of many individuals and they had quotas for different ethical backgrounds because its found to affect different based on genetics.

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