To Florida's Unappreciated Head Coaches ( Georgia Style )

The Average Salary of a Florida Teacher (16-17) is $47,858.26
The Median Salary of a Florida Teacher (16-17) is $44,910.00
The Average Years of Experience 11.27 years.

So the question becomes is a Head Football Coach worth an extra 50K dollars on top of their teachers salary to get near Georgia Salaries?

My answer is no... sorry, the purpose of our school systems is to provide an education first and foremost. School systems are struggling to attract highly qualified people in the fields of math, science, English, and special education. Until there is an overabundance of highly qualified teachers in those fields, paying 50K on top of the average salary of a teacher does not fit with the mission of the school system.

Now, is there a magic number out there that is more than what the current coaches receives, but it is not 50K. For some school districts, 50K might be the entire budget of the football program based on the number of people I see at games.
Big part of the problem is that Florida teaching salaries suck. Quite a few of these guys have doctorates which allows a ga teacher to make a really nice salary.
After teaching in Georgia, Florida, and North Carolina I can say the farther North and bigger city areas you go the money gets better for teachers and administrators. The football money definately evens out. I have never worked harder football wise then in Georgia. Those guys making big money work their butts off for it.