South Sumter 58 Ocala Trinity Catholic 20

ive been around our team since back in January when they started weightlifting and in march we stated 7 on 7 and have worked day in and day so I knew they would be ready to prove a lot of people wrong by making a statement this year
they have been determinded from day one that we will outwork everyone and prove we belong and that we will compete in 7A and that domination on bolles showed just a piece of what we can do to teams
they have been determinded from day one that we will outwork everyone and prove we belong and that we will compete in 7A and that domination on bolles showed just a piece of what we can do to teams
Sound like you guys off to a damn good start, but remember it's critical to keep reinforcing the fack that nobody, nowhere respeck your boyz. You need to keep every man convinced that it's Columbia against the world. Do this within the next 2 days:

1. Have team mangers go out with buckets and collect fresh dog chit.
2. Bring the buckets into the locker room at the end of practice.
3. Smear dog chit on everybody's face, then rub it in good.
4. Tell them "That's what everybody think we is. Dog chit."
5. Then say, "How do we prove them wrong? We stay hungry."
6. Then hand everybody a fistful of raw hamburger laced with garlic.
7. Tell them to chew it up and scream "Columbia".
8. This should conclude practice.

You can thank Nu'Trelle later.

P.S. Have everyone wash they face and use mouthwash before going home.
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Don't believe I ever asked anyone what formations that OTC runs. I knew that were running a Proset since the days when John Brantley, Jr. was their QB.

By the way, what language do you speak? I thought that ebonics went out of fashion years ago. Can't comprehend jabawaocky, either. Sorry. Is that a picture of you telling us the extent of your IQ?

Uh, yes you did.

I'm not sure ebonics ever were "in fashion" really, PSI. I appreciate you trying to get off a few rounds, though.

I guess the answer is no, me joining your team? I thought you transferring in some help might be a way for you to chalk up some wins.

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