Manatee/Lowndes final thoughts


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2003
This was a game that could have and probably should have much closer than the final score indicated. The Manatee OL performed at times, like the young and inexperienced OL it is, other times just average at best. Just way too many plays at this point are being made by individual players to over come that poor play and it happen way too many times Friday night......Manatee is blessed to have so many talented skilled players to make that possible.

On defense the 80 Lowndes TD run it, really had me scrachting my head. Manatee lined up with a very tight front 4 on the DL, both DE's were lined up on OT's, the line backers were lined up inside the DE's, Lowndes lined up 3 wide to wide side of the field and ran what basically looked like a toss sweep to that wide side. Manatee had no one to the wide side except for the 3 DB's that were over for the 3 Lowndes WR's. To Lowndes credit the 3 WR's put blocks on all 3 Manatee DB's. Matelau the Manatee LB on that side for what ever reason took a step to the inside...(there was no fake to the inside, it was toss sweep the whole way), and basically that step inside prevented him from having any chance to provide run support to the outside or have a good pursuit angle. The Lowndes RB wasn't touched once on his way to the 80 yard TD run. The defense on that play and player positioning was perfect for the Lowndes toss sweep call, Matelau step inside as the play started just sealed the deal for the TD.......just seemed wrong that the DE's for Manatee wouldn't lined up on the outside shoulders of the Lowndes OT?

The Lowndes 56 yard run for a TD, Manatee crashed the LB at the line of scrimmage..( something they've done with a very high frquency), but Lowndes had obviously schemed for it and pulled a OL to meet the LB and the back had clear sailing to to the endzone. I had felt before the game, Manatee was crashing the LB's way too much and against a better team they would scheme for it and it would catch up to Manatee.
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I posted this question(s) about 2 Lowndes TD plays, inpart because I wanted to get reactions as well as possible insight on the alignment and player responsibility on the play. While I havent gotten a response in this forum, I did get some responces in a facebook group, lets just say some of those responses, resembled a Billy Napier post game response when answering the media's questions and that in its self answered some hunches I have had for some time. That being a team that has just a little bit of talent, having the additional benefit of above average coaching, will beat this Manatee team more times than not from the law percentages standpoint.

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