Hardee 28-Ft Meade 20


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2020
I didn't get to make it to the game my dad had some issues that day that needed attention. He is a Covid vaccine injury recipient that I tried warning ppl not to get. Older folks are just stubborn and like my dad many of these Covid vaccine recipients they are now blind or going blind, many are deceased. Stay away from these awful evil vaccines!!! You are going to learn more and the full truth about these vaccines starting 2025 and how they damage our bodies just for a profit!!

From what I've heard Hardee's defense is very aggressive, something we haven't seen in sometime and Hardee is back running the ball like the old days. This just might give Hardee an advantage because if players are so use to the run' shoot or spread offense.
Hopefully I won't miss Hardee @ Frostproof this week!!

I am doing good since having neck surgery, 50% of the overall pain is gone, now it's in my lumbar and legs which is from retrolithesis which is opposite of spondylolithesis (slip disc) but it's manageable vs the cervical headaches and shooting arm pain.

I've been thinking of coming out of retirement and going back to work. I use to work in information technology but I've lost all that knowledge so I am truly thinking of completing my 4 years of college (only have 60 credits left) but convert it to become a school teacher, preferably high school history or a conspiracy class. These kids need our help, mainly from us veterans who understands what's going on in our country!! So I am going to give it some more thought and decide in the coming months.

Good thing is I am now down to 215 lbs whereas I was stuck at 240 lbs for years due to not being able to exercise or get outside. Now I get outside sweat something crazy losing all that water. Ppl will be shocked to see I've lost 25 lbs since January. My goal is to hit 200 by December 31.

On the bad side my wife is now going through the same awful stuff I did in her neck and neurosurgeon said she needs surgery. She worked in daycare for 25 years, picking up those kids and working on concrete, two combinations that's not good for the spine. I've studied the spine in great detail since 2012 I may go to school for something that deals with the spine. I may be dead by the time I finish schooling if I go that route, LoL. Our local Judge talked to me about going to college to become an attorney because I embarrassed an attorney in court about 7 years ago and won 2 cases that was against me, they were debt collections and if people only knew the truth about these vultures. All this occurred because I went out on medical retirement and decided the most important bills to pay and what not to pay. They are vultures and once you understand the laws you will find out those collection agencies actually don't own the contract to anything.

I rather help these kids they truly need help!!

Sorry for the life bio but wanted to keep ppl updated since it was a few on here who persuaded me to see a neurosurgeon in Pt Charlotte who just retired on June 30!! I am lucky he was the best around. I woke up from surgery on March 31, 2023 and began crying because if ppl only knew the pain we go through as the pain was finally gone!! It was like a ton of stress was lifted from my upper body.

Anyway have fun, it's just a game, a sport, this is what it's about, to have fun and help these young men mature.

God Bless..,
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Thanks for the report, as I read your post it caused me to reflect back to a time that has past us by, where a "Neutral Observer" might have been inspired to respond as only he/she could.
Praying for you and your family TheCatCoachesMissesMe. Keep the Faith!

What can you tell us about Hardee this year? Congratulations on the win. I saw Ft Meade play Auburndale in the spring. I heard there was some disarray recently at Ft Meade. Could you fill us in on what’s going on there?
Mark I really don't know what is going on in Ft Meade nor anywhere else. I've always said what people sow they will also reap. I am pretty sure this is what has happened in Ft Meade if what you "heard" was true.

As for Hardee, from what I've was told, they went back to what they did best which is running the ball. This may give them somewhat an advantage because not many defenses face offenses that run power I or split back these days. Running the ball was Hardee's bread and butter. Also, from what I've was told, the defense is very, very aggressive but has some issues in the secondary which I believe will get worked out. Being it's really the first full game, all teams will have issues due to butterflies and nerves with the players. Other than this, I cannot tell much of anything else. I am going to the Hardee @ Frostproof game come Friday so I will get to see for myself.
I won't be going tonight to the Frostproof -Hardee matchup. Had the flu since Sunday and I'm not going around other people knowing my wife and daughter now has it.

Update on Ft Meade. I "heard" they had a lot of Coaching changes which caused players to quit, so thats the rumor.

I should be ready for the first home game next week, hopefully they have all the kinks worked out.
Frostproof 14-Hardee 0. Game was actually closer than score from what I was told and Hardee's QB overthrew wide opened receivers all night and defensive penalties is what helped FP score. This will wake the players up you can bank on it because I'm sure they will have a "fun" week at practice this coming week.

I got this flu because of my dad shedding it because he had 2 of the C19 shots which destroyed his immune system and making him go blind. I had his blood all over my hands which cause it to spread. My brother in law gets sick every month now since getting 3 of those injections due to peer pressure from other school employees who all now stay sick. It's the vaccinated spreading it all. First time since 2020 we have been sick! It happens every 3-5 years in our household.

But I will be ready for the next 3 home games, cannot wait been wanting to watch since having surgery last year. Now I'm healed really well HardeeWildcatFan is coming out of retirement!! Pain does weird things to your body and brai , wish Neutral was around. Maybe I can pray to have him resurrected.
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