FHSAA Board of Directors Meeting Approves Aug 24th start date for fall sports


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2003
Before the break, if I understood this correctly the board approved by a vote of 11-5 the the plan to begin Fall Sports on August 24th.

There was amendment approved allowing schools until Sept 18th, to withdraw from the FHSAA state sponsored series and to instead develop some sort of alternative season. This would be something that would allow individual schools to still play football, but not be part of the FHSAA state sponsored series. This would be applicable for communities like the Miami/Dade area where those communities perhaps feel they can not, begin fall sports by the Aug 24th date and/or play a normal schedule allowing them to compete normally in a specific sport......

They also approved guideline related to Covid-19, not sure if a parent or guardian would be required to sign off on this document? It would also set guidelines where-by any student diagnosed would be required to meet certain minimum medical standards before being allowed to return and participate in that sport. There was concerned raised by Dr Maynard about recent studies indicating that the toll Covid-19 takes on the heart, raising the specter of long-term damage after people recover, even if their illness was not severe enough to require hospitalization. (I haven't found anything in the way of a study beyond 2 German Studies on this, and the studies although published in JAMA where based on a rather small sample I'll continue to look for information on this?)
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These folks on this board, I'm sure are all incredibly smart folks......but I'm watching this with the expectation they've prepared themselves for this meeting.....but the more I listen to this so far, I'm really beginning to wonder......
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their taking medical cues from this person:
Jennifer R. Maynard, M.D.
  1. Family Physician
  2. Sports Medicine Specialist
Why aren't they talking to immunologist? This isn't even her specialty...............

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